Amendment for the Pahang State Assembly to approve five additional appointed representatives


KUANTAN: The Pahang State Assembly passed an amendment to have a maximum of five additional assembly members appointed with much opposition from Pakatan Harapan legislators.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail (Photo) introduced the amendment to increase the number of state assembly members from 42 to a maximum of 47 without going through the electoral process.

To be appointed, an individual must be supported by at least seven assembly members and approved by a simple majority.

The amendment provides for the designated assembly member to participate in debates and committees, in addition to voting.

However, none of the designated assembly members can become Mentri Besar or be a member of the state executive council.

Under the terms of the amendment, the Barisan Nasional coalition would have free rein to make the appointments, as there are only nine Pakatan assembly members in the Pahang state assembly.

Wan Rosdy justified the measure by saying that it was not abnormal as the Sabah and Terengganu governments had already implemented it.

“The Pahang government is only following the precedent set by the two states,” he said on Friday (November 20).

Wan Rosdy said that the appointed assemblymen could expand the government’s service to the people, especially in the challenging political and socio-economic situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Appointed members, of course, will be among those of a certain caliber and skill, and thus will be able to work with other state assemblymen to contribute the best service for the well-being of the people,” said Wan Rosdy.

He added that appointments can also reduce the overall ratio of a state assembly member to the total population represented.

“With this, the services of the state assembly members will be even more effective,” he said, adding that the appointments would be complementary and not overlapping.

He also said the amendment would surely involve additional expenses, but the total had not yet been determined.

Speaking outside the state assembly, Lee Chin Chen (PH-Bilut) said that these appointed members should be considered backdoor assemblymen.

“If you are interested in becoming assemblymen, then run in the elections,” Lee said.

Young Syefura Othman (PH-Ketari) said the move was unreasonable as Barisan Nasional already had coordinators in constituencies.

He asked if the appointments would be used as a political reward.

Leong Yu Man (PH-Triang) said the appointments could be used to solidify Barisan’s political position should they fail to win a solid majority after the elections.

Barisan currently has 25 seats in the Pahang state assembly, with Pakatan with nine and PAS with eight.
