Allowing low-risk patients to be quarantined at home will ease hospital congestion, says Director General of Health


PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry’s decision to allow low-risk Covid-19 patients to be quarantined at home will help ease congestion in hospitals, says Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah (Photo).

The Health Director General said ministry hospitals across the country have been overwhelmed with cases, including the growing number of patients requiring critical care.

“Every day we see more and more people admitted to our hospitals or PKRC (Low-risk treatment centers and Covid-19 quarantine).

“We cannot accommodate more patients in our centers, so what we have decided to do is consider isolating low-risk patients in their homes.

“However, this is subject to meeting certain requirements. The ministry is refining the SOPs (standard operating procedures) on home quarantine, ”Dr. Noor Hisham said at the ministry’s Covid-19 press conference here on Tuesday (January 19).

Low-risk Covid-19 patients are classified into category one and category two, in which they show few or no symptoms and do not suffer from chronic diseases.

Dr. Noor Hisham said the priority is to admit the critics who are classified in categories three, four and five in hospitals.

“Right now, about 20% of the cases are category three to five. If in one day there are 3,000 cases, then 20% is 600 cases, ”said Dr. Noor Hisham.

For those under Covid-19 home care, Dr. Noor Hisham said that the patient should always be isolated from family members or housemates, and avoid receiving visitors.

However, patients whose homes are not suitable for isolation purposes will be admitted to PKRC.
