All foreign security personnel will undergo swab tests, health screenings


PETALIZING JAYA: All foreign security personnel should undergo swab tests and health screenings to determine if they are carrying any Covid-19 infection.

Defense Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (pix) He said these foreign security personnel are dealing with people who monitor shopping malls and supermarkets, so it would be difficult to determine the source of infections.

“As security personnel and their companies come under the Interior Ministry, they will issue the order for the swab test to be conducted, but this is the decision made by the National Security Council,” he said at a press conference. daily today.

This occurs after a group of Covid-19 infections emerged when a foreign security guard at a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur was found to be carrying the Covid-19 virus.

At least 10 other infections were detected after health authorities tracked contacts of the security guard.

When asked if the mall should continue to operate, Ismail Sabri said that this is up to the Ministry of Health to make a decision.

“These security personnel and others who tested positive have been isolated and are receiving treatment at a nearby hospital. The Health Ministry will decide whether the facilities will close to take further action, “he said.

Meanwhile, Ismail Sabri also suggested that supermarkets or stores that do not allow customers to enter without face masks put the masks up for sale at the entrance so that those without a face mask can buy the line.

“I hope supermarkets don’t try to take advantage of this by having them buy a box, unless they want to buy a box for themselves,” he said.

He was responding to a question raised by a journalist about the information that some supermarkets still prevent people from entering without facial masks.
