AG 2019 Report: Collective and punitive action can be taken on at least 150 issues


KUALA LUMPUR: The Auditor General’s Department has found more than 150 issues in the 2019 Series 1 Auditor General’s Report, of which 11 are considered punitive when action can be taken by law enforcement agencies.

Auditor General Datuk Nik Azman Nik Abdul Majid (pictured) said his department found 153 audit issues where collective and punitive action could be taken.

He said 11 issues were found to be punitive and can be investigated by enforcement agencies.

However, Nik Azman did not elaborate on the 11 topics as he was unable to provide more information about it.

“I cannot elaborate because we do not want those involved or suspects to hide information or evidence for these cases,” Nik Azman said at a press conference in Parliament after briefing the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on the report on Thursday. ( December 10).

Also in attendance were PAC President Wong Kah Woh and other committee members.

Nik Azman said his department will speak with enforcement agencies first to raise concerns.

He said it is up to the respective enforcement agencies to determine whether or not action can be taken based on the concerns raised.

“Or we will approach the Public Service Department if there are public officials involved.

“They have a special committee, so if public officials are found to be involved, they can take disciplinary action,” he said.

Nik Azman said follow-ups are also conducted with the action committee on the audit report to monitor and ensure corrective action is taken on issues that have been highlighted in previous reports.

Meanwhile, Wong said this year, the PAC has submitted five PAC reports and four of them involve issues highlighted in the Auditor General’s Report, while one more is based on public interest.

“The PAC takes note of the issues raised in the Auditor General’s Report and will hold special meetings to determine which federal ministry, departments or agencies will be convened by the PAC for procedures,” Wong said.
