After health rumors, North Korean state media reports on Kim Jong Un’s appearance


SEOUL (Reuters) – After weeks of intense speculation about Kim Jong Un’s health, state news agency KCNA said on Saturday that the North Korean leader attended the completion of a fertilizer plant north of Pyongyang, the first report by its appearance since April 11.

Reuters was unable to independently verify the KCNA report.

KCNA said Kim cut a ribbon at the ceremony on Friday and that attendees of the event “erupted in thunderous cheers of ‘Hooray!’ for the Supreme Leader who is in command of the general march of all people to achieve the great cause of prosperity. “

Kim was seen in photographs smiling and talking to helpers at the opening ceremony and also touring the plant. The authenticity of the photos, published on the website of the official newspaper Rodong Sinmun, could not be verified.

When asked about the KCNA report, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, said: “I prefer not to comment on it yet.”

“We will have something to say about it at the appropriate time,” he told reporters at the White House.

Speculation about Kim’s health has increased after missing the anniversary celebrations of state founder Kim Il Sung on April 15. The day is an important holiday in North Korea, and Kim as leader usually visits the mausoleum where his grandfather is in the state.

His last public appearance was on April 11 to attend a meeting of the ruling politburo of the Workers’ Party.

Following her anniversary absence, a South Korean media outlet in the North reported that Kim was recovering after undergoing a cardiovascular procedure. A series of other unconfirmed reports of his condition and whereabouts followed.

However, officials in South Korea and the United States expressed skepticism about the reports.

Former senior East Asian diplomat Daniel Russel said the pieces of the puzzle of Kim’s disappearance would take time to assemble.

His reappearance showed that authoritative information about the well-being and whereabouts of a North Korean leader was closely guarded, and rumors about him had to be viewed with considerable skepticism, Russel said.

However, the rumors had served to focus attention on North Korea’s succession plan, which “in a monarchical and cult dictatorship is fraught with risks, and the absence of compounds for designated adult heirs who risk many times,” Russel said.

Previously, a source familiar with US intelligence analysis and reporting. USA He said that US agencies USA They believed that Kim Jong Un was not ill and was still in power.

“We believe he is still in charge,” the source said on condition of anonymity.

The source was unable to immediately confirm the KCNA report.

The State Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

South Korean Unification Minister Kim Yeon-chul, who oversees the engagement with Pyongyang, said Kim may have been absent as a precaution against the coronavirus pandemic, given the stringent steps taken to prevent an outbreak in the country.

Harry Kazianis, senior director of Korean studies at the Center for National Interest Studies in Washington, said this could be the case.

“The most likely explanation for Kim’s absence is with North Korea stating that the coronavirus pandemic is an existential threat … most likely he was taking steps to ensure his health or that the virus has personally affected him in some way. way, “Kazianis said after the KCNA Report.

In his appearance at the fertilizer factory, Kim expressed satisfaction with the production system and said that the plant made a significant contribution to the progress of the country’s chemical industry and food production, KCNA said.

Kim was accompanied by several senior North Korean officials, including his younger sister Kim Yo Jong, KCNA said.

(Report by Heekyong Yang in Seoul, Matt Spetalnick, Mark Hosenball, David Brunnstrom, Jonathan Landay in Washington; Sandra Maler, Jack Kim, and Sonya Hepinstall edition)
