After a leaked letter, Eurocham denies talking about a new MCO closure


The chamber of business for European companies in Malaysia has denied that there has been a discussion about an imminent national shutdown.

PETALING JAYA: The chamber of business representing European companies in Malaysia has denied talks about an imminent strict national shutdown after criticism emerged over a leaked letter containing details of a meeting with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti ).

The EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Eurocham) said that an immediate blockade that will be imposed after the current motion control order ends was not mentioned at the meeting.

Eurocham President Oliver Roche said that the business community must take steps to avoid another full MCO, making efforts to ensure strict adherence to health and hygiene protocols, as many Covid-19 clusters were associated with factories, construction sites and other workplaces.

Eurocham’s statement tonight comes in the wake of a controversy over a letter to members containing details about the meeting with Miti.

The letter said that the Malaysian government will announce a strict shutdown / shutdown immediately after February 4 if the Covid-19 infection rate is not reduced by then.

Oliver Roche, President of Eurocham.

However, Eurocham said today that the letter was a confidential internal circular sent “to convey the essence of the informal discussion – and the commendable efforts of the Malaysian government – to address the spread of Covid-19.”

The chamber said: “Eurocham wishes to clarify that while Miti underscored the greater sense of urgency that currently prevails, given the increasing number of cases, no immediate closure after February 4. was mentioned.”

Eurocham said the meeting with Miti on Friday was an informal discussion to raise awareness about the role of the business community in flattening the Covid-19 curve.

Sven Schneider, CEO of Eurocham.

They also discussed “the economic repercussions that could follow if we don’t play a very active role, while we wait for the government to exhaust its efforts independently,” Eurocham said.

Earlier today, Eurocham CEO Sven Schneider criticism for the leak about a possible strict lockdown.

A former chamber vice speaker, Geoffrey Williams, said he was “absolutely shocked” that the details of the meeting with Miti were made public. He said that “it was completely inappropriate for him (Schneider) to violate the confidentiality of a private meeting.”

Williams said the leak would cause speculation and confusion “during a very sensitive period when we need calm.”
