‘Adopting the federal government’ hasn’t helped Sabah in all these years


YOUR OPINION | “Where did Sabah’s fabulous resources go after nearly 60 years of BN leadership?”

Vote for those who hold federal power, Muhyiddin tells Sabahans

Vijay47: Obviously, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s caretakers not only fail to review his speeches, they actually give him the weaponry to embark on a wave of gunfire, with his own foot.

Muhyiddin’s advice “Go Federal” to the people of Sabah could even be an excerpt from the manual “What not to say in a political speech for fools.”

Many of Sabah’s previous state governments were reasonably close to the federal government until they went rogue and became servile lackeys, first Kuala Lumpur and then Putrajaya.

Those who faced the national capital were soon subjected to eyebrow blows, as in the case of the original edition by Joseph Pairin Kitingan. And what did this marriage bring to the people of Sabah, Muhyiddin?

After 57 years of Malaysian, the state is still as backward as ever. Or as the prime minister proudly announced, “Sabah has been a poor state even before Covid!”

Why are Sabahans mired in poverty? With all its precious forest and oil resources, what happened to the state’s wealth? Were they transported in suitcases only between Malaysia and Hong Kong? for 46 charges die an unnatural death?

COVID-19? What the hell does that have to do with Sabah’s miserable fate and the elections? Perhaps the sudden boom is mana to turn into convenient campaign promises.

This is your chance, Sabah, to stand up and be counted as one of the three proud founding states of Malaysia along with Sarawak and Malaya. You are not similar to any of the 11 peninsular states such as Perak, Selangor, Pahang or, unfortunately, Kelantan.

To claim your claim, to demand what is rightfully yours, you need a tough, loyal leader with a backbone. Of course, in the wake of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Azmin Ali and yes, Muhyiddin, no one can be trusted these days.

However, Shafie Apdal may be the one to take you out of the desert.

New day: Muhyiddin, why is Sabah poor? It has abundant natural resources such as timber and offshore oil and gas deposits.

Remember that “poor” did not happen overnight during the 20 months of the federal government led by Pakatan Harapan. Who was in charge for the other 60 years? It was the mob you got into bed with again.

Where did the fabulous timber resources go? Perhaps you can ask former Chief Minister Musa Aman, his family and group of cronies. They certainly managed to get extremely rich during all this time when Sabah was “poor”.

As the country’s leader, he is supposed to rule for everyone, regardless of his political allegiances. I understand that opposition-led states generally end up with less federal funding. But this does not mean that all people who live in states led by parties aligned with the government will become rich.

This is especially true in Malaysia, and even more so under any government that has Umno in the mix. Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has already told Sabah party members that they are guaranteed lavish jobs if the party wins.

What about the average “poor” Sabahan? No change for them. They know the only way to get wealth is to feed on the crony corruption machine. Is this what you are asking? Sacrifice good morals and ethics, albeit poor ones, to get a few crumbs of corruption?

You know and we all know that Sabah would be rich if it weren’t for the insatiable greed of a few. The few who are part of your flock.

PeakyBlinder: It is ironic how the prime minister really knows that the state of Sabah has been ruled by the BN government for more than 10 times longer than the current Warisan government, but decides to blame the Warisan government for the fact that Sabah has been underdeveloped. for decades.

This is like the “Ini semua salah LGE” (it’s all Lim Guan Eng’s fault) again.

Itslengry02: Why should the governments of Sabah and Sarawak align with the federal government?

It is not about which party Sabah and Sarawak are capable of developing. It is about the abilities of members of parliament or state assemblymen to assist the rakyat in their constituency.

That is why voters must do their homework and get to know the candidates. What are your background, contributions, and accomplishments? Don’t blindly support a candidate for your party. It is wrong to do that. Vote for the candidate who is capable of developing the area.

Even if the opposition represents the area, if the person can do the job, the area will be as developed as Kuala Lumpur due to the dedication of the representative. And one thing, don’t always depend on the federal government.

YellowZebra4720: The rationale for this Muhyiddin rhetoric is this: without the federal government, the Sabah state government is weak and powerless.

This is partially true, in large part thanks to BN’s erosion of Sabah’s autonomy, especially during the first Mahathir administration.

Asking the people of Sabah now to vote for Perikatan Nasional (PN) for federal aid, instead of promising greater state power, is ironic and brazen. It’s like asking a fraud victim to continue investing in the peanut scammer when the victim deserves all of their money.

DalvinK: What a typical BN style of electoral bait. More than half a century with BN, Sabah is the poorest state.

Clearly BN, and now PN, couldn’t do much. Except, of course, that Sabah cannot get poorer because he is already the poorest.

BlueKijang4184: Is that what we are supposed to teach our children? I thought that voting is a process by which one chooses a capable person who can represent us in the state assembly or in Parliament. I have never been taught that I should choose a candidate from a party that has federal power.

In a democratic country, the government is the rakyat. But since Parliament cannot accommodate all rakyats, we have to elect a representative during the elections. If the representative cannot act, we are supposed to remove the person in the next election.

Some so-called leaders do not seem to understand the basis of the democratic process. I am ashamed of them. They need to go back to school and study Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education and Citizenship).

Cure for stupidity: We elected the government, but you and your gang took away our voting rights by becoming kataks (frogs).

What is the use of voting for your party and coalition? I am ashamed to tell my children what she did to the voters of Malaysia.

Stranger Stranger: And what good are elections if everyone chooses the one with the federal government? Where is democracy? It seems like a dictatorship if everyone elects only the federal government.

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