Act responsibly when making statements, IGP tells politicians


KUALA LUMPUR: The wrong statement could create public distress, said the Inspector General of Police, reminding politicians not to cause trouble for their own benefit.

Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said that politicians should act responsibly when making any statement.

“The actions of certain individuals in politicizing certain issues for their selfish needs should not (happen) as there are more important issues that the police should focus on,” he told a news conference in Bukit Aman here on Thursday (March 11). ).

“For example, some parties questioned why the security forces are monitoring the situation in places of worship.

“This is such an insignificant issue that it has been politicized by claims that the security forces were not sensitive when carrying weapons in places of worship.”

“With such issues, then issues of race and religion come up. This must stop,” he stressed.

The action of the politician who made such statements would cause public distress, he added.

“When politicians bring up these issues, other parties will surely make police reports,” he said.
