A vaccine against Covid-19 will be launched soon


NUR-SULTAN: A vaccine production plant is being built on the territory of the Zhambyl region, akim (governor) of the Berdibek Saparbayev region said on Wednesday, according to the Kazakh international news agency Kazinform.

During the online briefing at the Central Communications Service, Governor Saparbayev recalled that the new plant for the production of vaccines is under construction in the Kordai district of the Zhambyl region.

According to Saparbayev, the new plant will have the capacity of 30-60 million doses of coronavirus vaccine per year. The plant is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of the year. The first doses of the vaccine are expected to occur in March. The government fully supports and controls this issue, he added.

The cost of construction works is estimated at approximately 7 billion Kazakhstani tenge (RM67.426 million).

Next year a residential complex will be put into operation for the plant’s employees to provide them with accommodation. – Called
