A special working group against environmental crimes will be created, says the environment minister


PUTRAJAYA: A special task force to prevent environmental crimes will be established to ensure that these crimes are dealt with quickly, says Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

The elite task force will be operational from October, he said, as the government fulfills its commitment to act against environmental perpetrators.

The Minister of Environment and Water said the working group will involve the Department of the Environment, the Water Services Commission (SPAN), the Department of Biosafety and the police.

“The creation of the task force will further boost the enforcement of the anti-polluter law.

“This, together with the amendments to the Environmental Quality Law, will guarantee that those who commit crimes against the environment pay dearly,” he told a press conference here on Monday (September 14).

Tuan Ibrahim said the ministry will hold talks with the Public Services Department and the Finance Ministry on staffing and allocation.

“We have also decided to allow the police to act immediately against environmental criminals by giving them the authority to enforce the Environmental Quality Law and the Water Services Industry Law,” he added.

Currently, the police have the power to use the Biosafety Law against polluters.
