a joyous celebration of triumphs, sights and sounds


Did you know that last August the Malaysian Sri Dasmesh Sikh bagpipe band emerged as a big winner at the World Bagpipe Championships, which took place in Scotland?

The band that was founded in 1986 ranked at the top of its category, as well as in the drums and parade categories.

That is just one of the many achievements of Malaysians in their chosen field that we would like to honor during this special period between Merdeka Day (August 31) and Malaysia Day (September 16) to celebrate all that is unique. about being Malaysian in a project we call #Kita Malaysia.

Our #KitaMalaysia digital video series recognizes Malaysians who were winners of international awards in 2019.

In a series of inspirational videos, we asked them: “What makes you proud to be Malaysian?”

Among the standouts are members of the Sri Dasmesh Sikh bagpipe band that won a world championship in Scotland, award-winning photographer Edwin Ong Wee Kee, world-class karate exponent P Madhuri, and Tan Chin Seng, who won an international award. in Italy for his violin making skills.

There is also a trio of pastry chefs who triumphed at the World Cup of Pastry in France and Siti Nurafaf Ismail, the first Asian woman to win the Norman Foster Travel Scholarship from the Royal Institute of British Architect.

We also spoke with Emir Haady Imran Zulharnain, the youngest student at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, and Hakeem Mohammad Akmal, who was ranked first in the world in the Financial Transaction Registration Document in a document prepared by the Association of Certified Accountants. Authorized, the world body of professional accountants.

Designer Tina Winness Wong and director Victor Chen, whose short film My ba radio won an award in Italy, they are also involved in sharing their stories.

24 hour photo session

Aside from these inspirational messages from our Malaysian achievers, we are also hosting a unique 24-hour photoshoot event.

From 7am tomorrow to 7am on Thursday (September 9-10), three photographers will go to 21 iconic locations in the heart of Kuala Lumpur and photograph 12 models representing different ethnic groups wearing garments from 12 Malaysian designers. .

The event will be documented on a video recording and has been earmarked for a place in the Malaysian Book of Records. You can follow it on our events page here.

Also check out our #KitaMalaysia Facebook page for the full videos.

Finally here is our #KitaMalaysia song released by the group Color of Voices – a contemporary ensemble with animated sounds to update the traditional message of nationality and belonging.
