A ceasefire in Perak, but the power play continues


With Saarani Mohamad at the helm and Umno back in power, another change of government is unlikely until the next general election. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: The Perak mess that left the three Malaysian parties – PPBM, Umno and PAS – at odds with each other seems to be over. But for how long?

An informed political source says that what has happened is just a temporary ceasefire. All three parties are likely to continue their power play, trying to outdo the other.

No further change in state government is likely until GE15 as Umno is back in power led by Saarani Mohamad as the new kissing mentor.

“But each party will continue to make sure they survive and stay strong in the state,” the source told FMT.

He said PAS wanted to take over the state, while PPBM wanted to gain power through grassroots support. “Umno will also ensure that the party remains dominant in the state,” he said.

He said all three parties can keep looking over their shoulders to make sure they are not overshadowed by the others.

Yet the Rakyats in Perak are struggling with job losses and business closures in a weakening economy, and “as cliché as it may sound,” the Rakyats would like to see what the new state government can do to help them. “Many are angry because they are still fighting,” he added.

The source said that Saarani was named menteri kissing because he was the head of Perak Umno, but he may not be well liked even within some Umno circles.

Saarani would have to ensure a good working relationship with all parties to gain adequate support in the state assembly.

Perak PAS yesterday apologized to Sultan Nazrin Shah for failing to appear for his audience with the ruler on Tuesday. Their boss, Razman Zakaria, had said that they sent an official apology to the Palace.

With the apology, the source said, Saarani can now award exco positions to PAS.

“As negotiations on exco positions begin, Umno will take most of the exco positions and the rest will go to PPBM and PAS,” he said.

It can cause some dissatisfaction. However, the source said, from here everything will depend on who can conquer the heart of the rakyat.
