A 104-year-old Brooklyn woman who experienced the Spanish flu and once had stage 4 melanoma has just recovered from the coronavirus, Business Insider


Sheepshead Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Sheepshead Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Brooklyn, New York.
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  • Ida Acconciamessa, who lives at the Sheepshead Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Brooklyn, New York, is recovering from COVID-19 after testing positive for the virus on April 4.
  • Her daughter Barbara Senese told CBS News that Acconciamessa lived through the Spanish flu, had two broken hips, and survived stage 4 melanoma before being diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Senese said her mother was unable to eat or speak because of the virus, but that she is much better now.
  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

A 104-year-old woman in New York is recovering from COVID-19, and her nursing home calls it a “miracle.”

Ida Acconciamessa, who lives at the Sheepshead Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Brooklyn, tested positive for COVID-19 on April 4. They gave him oxygen, he was very weak and was not eating, according to CBS News. And now, almost a month later, he is talking, eating, and recovering from the virus.

Her daughter Barbara Senese said her mother is no stranger to health difficulties. She said Acconciamessa lived through the Spanish flu, had two broken hips, survived stage 4 melanoma, and now, COVID-19.

“She always used to say, ‘I was born under a lucky star.’ That was her mantra in life. And you know what? In order to get over this virus, those words often come to mind,” Senese told CBS. News.

Senese said that she and her sister, Johann Giordano, used to visit their mother almost every day, but the coronavirus pandemic changed the way they visited her. They were unable to enter his nursing home, so they would meet his mother by the first-floor window, wearing masks and gloves. They last saw her in the window on March 26 and were concerned about her health.

They brought her to us in a wheelchair by the window. The window was open just a little bit so he could hear our voices, ”Senese said. “She didn’t move a muscle and looked at us. Just a look. I don’t think she’ll ever forget it, ever. We asked her for 10 to 15 minutes to say something. She didn’t say anything. When we walked away, I said to my sister: “She is sick. She has the virus. “

The family feared that she would not recover from COVID-19 because she was already recovering from a hip fracture and c. Difficile, another infection, but now nursing home staff say it’s on the rise.

Staff at the Sheepshead Rehabilitation and Nursing Center called Acconciamessa on April 24 to say that she was recovering from the virus.

At 104, I think it is a miracle to survive through COVID, “Marco Perrone, the Nursing Administration Supervisor at the center, told CBS News.” We have people in their 40s and 50s who are passing because of COVID. So, at 104 years old, it’s amazing that he was able to survive this.
