Banking union declares dispute with multinational for subcontracting


NUBE has accused a multinational bank of laying off some employees after outsourcing their jobs.

PETALING JAYA: A union has declared a business dispute against a multinational bank after alleged outsourcing exercises that have led locals to lose their jobs.

The National Union of Bank Employees said that it has already presented 12 cases related to its members who, it claims, were arbitrarily dismissed from their jobs “and fired” due to subcontracting maneuvers.

The union’s general secretary, J Solomon, accused the bank of having violated Malaysian laws and of having breached the collective agreement with its employees.

The bank had “blatantly” used the conditional motion control order (CMCO) and the Work from Home policy to its advantage to carry out the outsourcing exercise, he said.

J Solomon.

Solomon said bank staff were told to stay home on “hold” while their duties were taken over by supervisors and senior management in the outsourcing process.

By doing so, the bank could claim that it could work with fewer staff, laying the groundwork for downsizing.

Solomon said that the union had asked for clarification several times but that management had given “half answers at best”, rejected his efforts and did not show up for the meetings he agreed to attend.

The bank had even rebuffed efforts by the Malaysian Commercial Banks Association to mediate, he said.

“This belligerent position has left NUBE with no choice but to declare a commercial dispute against the bank, in accordance with the Labor Relations Law,” which would allow the union to take the necessary measures to protect the jobs of its members.

Solomon urged finance and human resources ministries, as well as Bank Negara, to investigate the UK-based bank.
