MP SPEAKS | Has M’sia lost control over the third wave of the pandemic?


MP SPEAKS | Malaysia yesterday recorded the second highest daily increase in Covid-19 cases: 1,290 new cases and four deaths to reach a cumulative total of 51,680 Covid-19 cases and 326 deaths.

If Covid-19 infections increase on last week’s daily average, that is, 1,127 cases per day, we will likely overtake China by the end of the year as a country with more Covid-19 infections than they do.

Today, China ranks 65th with 86,381 Covid-19 cases, far behind eleven countries that have surpassed the million-case mark for Covid-19 led by the United States with more than 12 million cases, India, second with more than nine million cases, Brazil, third with almost six million cases, France, fourth and Russia, fifth with each country more than two million cases.

The global cumulative total of Covid-19 cases has passed the 57 million mark, while the global cumulative total of deaths has exceeded 1.36 million lives.

In the initial period of the Covid-19 epidemic, when …
