A vice minister of unity that sows disunity


YOUR OPINION | ‘You, minorities are talking about fairness, racial justice and equality; not racism … ‘

COMMENT | DAP does it again, provoking Chinese emotions

OrangeHawk3664: MCA has been trying to prove that it is the best Chinese match after losing the trust and support of the community.

They have done nothing significant for the Chinese community during their tenure in the BN government with seven MPs, so no one is going to believe that they can do anything under Perikatan Nasional (PN) with one MP.

So far, all we’ve heard is about the assignment to Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC), nothing more.

Ti Lian Ker is the deputy minister for national unity and yet he is criticizing former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng for projecting himself as friendly to Malays when in power, how ironic.

What unity can we expect from this racist minister when he himself does not believe in it?

Agar: Ti, what are you doing with the proposed budget for 2021 where non-bumiputera allocations have been drastically reduced in all aspects?

If the PN government is “fair,” then I think it should step down as vice minister and vice minister of MCA, who claims to represent the Chinese community.

Please do what’s fair for the whole country and don’t just criticize DAP for the sake of doing it.

Constitutional Supremacy: Ti, what race card? The budget treated non-Malays very badly.

Compared with the Malays, the allocation for Chinese and Indians combined is less than 3 percent of that for bumiputera.

How can the increase in the clear allocation disparity be considered to arouse racial sentiments?

So you want DAP to be like MCA – for the past 60 years, you’ve been getting crumbs. So you want DAP to emulate and be silent?

If DAP must remain silent, how will the matter be addressed? You have to speak up and demand better treatment.

Vision2020: Ti, if you are Malaysian and there is no assignment for Universiti Teknology Mara (UiTM), do you think the Malaysian community will keep silent?

If you are Indian and there is no allowance to support the Indian community, do you think our Indian brothers and sisters will remain silent?

You, minorities are talking about fairness, racial justice and equality; not racism.

Kamakasi: Ti can be sure that MCA will be expelled in the next election. You are awakening Chinese sentiments to insult the Chinese and the DAP.

Why didn’t you highlight other Harapan contributions to temples, churches, etc. from China and India, the huge allocations of Orang Asli, the independent private schools and the vernacular schools?

All this is not the priority of the current illegitimate government of the PN of which you are part.

Anonymous4189: I read this article from You. Contains factual arguments. I wish more readers will respond fairly.

DAP, when it was at its most powerful, did not deliver. Anything MCA couldn’t do, DAP could have done. This is because DAP has the numbers. But the DAP followed the then prime minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, like a dog.

There is no point blaming MCA now. They did better with seven representatives than the 42 DAP MPs.

MoreThan3RmToOneSGD: @ Anonymous4189, DAP was in government for less than two years. MCA was in government for 63 years.

Did you expect DAP to correct everything during his short time in power?

Beware of Malaysia: In fact, with only about 22 months in power, what else can Harapan do?

Lim’s first priority was putting the poor first. And the poorest are the Malays. If Lim prioritized the Chinese first, what do you think will happen next, since Lim himself is also Chinese?

Therefore, I always support Lim. I know you will be the best finance minister of all time. Hopefully, he will return to power again.

Milshah: I have warned that no matter how bad Harapan was as a government, it was the best option in a multiracial environment. It is true that the Chinese did not get everything they wanted in Harapan, but it was better.

But many wanted to teach Harapan a lesson and this resulted in the Tanjung Piai by-elections, where MCA won by an overwhelming majority.

When I told the non-Malays, no matter how bad Harapan was, BN was much worse. But no, some of the non-Malaysian commentators said that even if BN wins, so be it.

I told them they couldn’t bear a return from BN. Now what I said has come true. There is no need to regret it.

BN is making a comeback and there is nothing I can do about it. Harapan was the best choice for you, but you were too arrogant and ungrateful to see it.

Sentinel: Ti, you criticize DAP for stirring up Chinese sentiments, but in the last paragraph you pointed out their supposed failures, which may also mean that they were willing to compromise, which is totally the opposite of what Umno had said.

So which is which? Is Umno’s description of DAP as the all-powerful partner in Pakatan Harapan correct, or is MCA’s representation of a party that failed in Harapan for the Chinese community the truth?

Anonymous 79: It seems Ti and MCA are panicking because they are in trouble.

The same goes for Bossku (former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) and outgoing US President Donald Trump.

All of these people are using the same tactics and adopting the same language. Instead of bringing people together, they choose to divide us. Only then can they remain in power.

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