Covid-19: more than 9k cases in M’sia tracked through the MySejahtera application


PUTRAJAYA: More than 9,000 of the country’s Covid-19 cases have been detected through the MySejahtera app since it was launched on April 20, the Health Ministry says.

In a statement, Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said that most of the 9,167 cases identified through the app were from contact tracing activities.

“The MySejahtera app has helped the ministry to identify Covid-19 cases through two methods. One of them is through contact tracing, where the district health office uses the MySejahtera database.

“Users who are possible close contacts of a Covid-19 patient can be traced through the app. As of November 18, the ministry has detected 7,606 cases through this method, ”said Dr. Noor Hisham.

Another 1,561 cases were tracked and confirmed positive through the self-assessment feature in the app.

“With the app’s health self-assessment, a case of Covid-19 can be detected after a user of the app discovers that they are at risk of contracting the virus as per ministry guidelines,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

The Utama group, which originated from a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya, saw a total of 221 positive cases identified on MySejahtera.

“A total of 1,343 people who visited the mall were assigned for further evaluation by the district health office. Of the figure, 457 were classified as close contacts of the positive cases in the Utama group.

“Sample tests confirmed that 221 are positive cases, out of 457,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

Dr. Noor Hisham also ensured that the MySejahtera app meets global standards in terms of privacy and data security.

“The data that MySejahtera collects is used for contact tracing purposes only and is governed by the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act of 1988 and the Medical Act of 1971.

“Personal data that is collected from users is also protected by the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Registration data will be archived after 30 days and destroyed after 90 days,” he said.

MySejahtera has logged 1.7 billion accumulated registrations using its QR code feature on registered facilities, averaging 15 million registrations per day.
