As options diminish, Trump allies ask court to stop Biden’s victory in Nevada


(Reuters) – US President Donald Trump’s campaign announced on Tuesday a lawsuit to stop President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Nevada, the latest in a series of challenges that legal experts have said will not change the outcome. of the elections.

According to a court file released by the campaign, the lawsuit requests a court order for Trump to “be declared the winner of the Nevada elections” or, alternatively, that the results be annulled in the state and no winner is certified there.

Biden won Nevada by a margin of 33,596 votes, according to the Nevada Secretary of State’s office.

The legal challenge was formally presented by a group of Republicans known as “electors” who would have pledged to Trump in the US Electoral College system if Nevada had won.

In the Electoral College system, electoral votes are assigned to all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on their population. Nevada has six Electoral College votes. Biden has obtained 306 votes to Trump’s 232.

The lawsuit claims, without providing evidence, that “fraud and abuse make the alleged results of the Nevada election illegitimate.”

One focus of the complaint is a signature verification machine that, according to the Trump campaign, was flawed. The machine was used in Clark County, which includes Las Vegas. The lawsuit also alleged that the observers were denied meaningful access to the counting process.

The lawsuit appears to be “repeating erroneous allegations made by supporters without first-hand knowledge of the facts,” said Dan Kulin, spokesman for the Clark County Elections Department.

“We have not seen their complaint yet; however, it appears that they are repeating accusations that the courts have already rejected,” Kulin said.

The campaign and Trump supporters have filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and other states challenging the Nov. 3 election, but have had little success in changing the vote counts.

A senior counsel for Biden has dismissed the litigation as “theater, not really lawsuits.”

(Reporting by Jan Wolfe; Editing by Edwina Gibbs)
