Zoos should no longer depend on the government for funding, says minister


Zoo Negara is reported to only have emergency funding for three months.

PETALING JAYA: Operators of zoos and permanent exhibits should no longer depend on Putrajaya to fund their operating costs, says Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Shamsul Anuar Nasarah.

In a statement yesterday, Shamsul said that the government, through his ministry, has carried out various initiatives to help operators whose revenue has been affected by the motion control order (MCO).

This comes in the wake of reports that Zoo Negara is facing a financial crisis due to lost revenue caused by the third wave of Covid-19 infections, and only has emergency funds for three months.

The zoo’s operating costs are approximately RM1 million per month.

Shamsul said his ministry, through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan), funneled RM1.3 million to Zoo Negara in June to help with the animals’ food bills.

On top of that, several short-term measures have been implemented, including the allocation of RM10.2 million to affected zoos and permanent exhibits.

“A total of 21 zoos and permanent exhibits have applied for funds and the money has been channeled in stages since May,” he said.

He said his ministry has held consultations with industry players and the Malaysian Association of Zoos and Aquariums to review the rules governing their operations under the Wildlife Conservation Act and ensure their sustainability and animal welfare.

“An improvement strategy for a new zoo and permanent exhibit model will be outlined and implemented once they are finalized.

“This is important because their operations not only require expertise, but also involve high development and operating costs,” he said.
