The Annuar grand coalition based on race and religion


YOUR OPINION | You must be thinking ‘if I failed before, try again’, but this time with more games’.

Annuar Musa wants a great coalition: Young Woos, Fighters, Heritage

YellowMarlin8834: A resounding no to the grand coalition. Minister of Federal Territories Annuar Musa, you are only interested in strengthening your own position.

Your statement clearly shows that you are more of a backdoor government supporter than your own party, Umno. Is it because you have a position and it’s too lucrative to let go?

Please do not use race or religion. Many of your race are suffering due to this blockage. You don’t even want to share your salary with them by accepting a pay cut.

This government is sick to the core. Without a pandemic, maybe you can behave like old Umno. But not now, the government has no money and its bloated cabinet is too stupid to tackle the crisis.

Doc: Annuar, who is also BN Secretary General, must be so desperate that he is inviting the rowdy former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and his Pejuang to join his great ummah union.

On another note, three parties – PAS, Bersatu and Umno – came together in February to take control of the government claiming that they wanted to form a coalition with a singular focus: safeguarding, uniting and strengthening the Malaysian community against the attacks of the “diabolical” DAP.

So in the nine months after Perikatan Nasional (PN) took office, my questions are about how the Malaysian community is doing:

1) Have job opportunities for the Malaysian community improved significantly?

2) Has the participation of the Malaysian community in the economic pie increased?

3) Is the Malaysian community happy with the way the PN government is managing the political, economic and social structure of the country?

4) Are the three main political entities of the PN working together to achieve the dreams and aspirations of the Malaysian community as they promised to do?

5) Have the “attacks” of the “diabolical” DAP on the ummah been thwarted and the party’s power reduced?

I guess the answer to these questions must be a resounding “no”. Otherwise, why would Annuar call for an even larger collation of Malaysian-based parties to safeguard the dreams and aspirations of the ummah?

I suppose you must be thinking “if I failed before, try again”, but this time with more games.

Me: Annuar, you said: “The efforts of the union of the ummah (Malay / Muslim community) must be our main responsibility.” Is this so that the elite and semi-elite ummah can continue looting?

You should talk about how to raise B40 Malaysians (bottom 40 percent), how they can own at least one home, how they can feel comfortable in their lives (they don’t aspire to have their obscenely luxurious lifestyle), how. They will regain their self-esteem if they stand on their own two feet (instead of making them feel like they must forever depend on the crumbs that you throw away after eating the cake).

But sorry, if you educate them right, they will most likely see all your greed. Therefore, it is in your best interest to keep them as they are, always ready to raise the flags when displaying the racial and religious cards.

By the way, the doubtful Mara treatment in Australia fill the pockets of the Malaysian B40 or the Malaysian elite and semi-elite?

Undecided: “For too long, our policy has focused on two or three personalities, and not on the struggle,” Annuar said.

Annuar, the vast majority of Umno’s leaders have never fought. If they have fought, it was always for their own selfish interest and not for the poor Malays, as many are still in the B40 category. By the way, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is also one of those personalities he talks about.

Umno’s fight has more to do with preferential contracts and the corruption that extracted billions in the last 50 years after the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP), which was aimed at the poor.

Another major problem is a mediocre educational system created by supremacists who defend Bahasa Melayu without emphasizing English proficiency.

It must be repeated over and over again that it is fundamentally the use of race and religion by politicians and their NGO sponsors to divide the rakyat. This is responsible for the deterioration of the Malaysian economy.

Fair man: Annuar, look in the mirror. You are also one of those promoting the politics of personality.

This should be your last term. He started in 1986 as an assemblyman in Kelantan. Whose side were you on in the 1987 Umno power struggle? Who did you adore then?

You lost in the 1990 general election, you recovered in 1995, and you lost again in 1999. You returned as an assemblyman in 2004, you lost again in 2008, and luckily for you, you won Ketereh in 2013 and 2018.

He was twice lucky to land a backdoor government job in 2020. Now he is using his power and position to promote himself.

He has been in politics about as long as PKR president Anwar Ibrahim. Your final Waterloo is coming very soon. Your hypocrisy will finally be unmasked.

Just a Malay: If the grand coalition keeps shouting about the defense of Malays and Muslims, nothing will change.

The change we need is mental, not physical. Have three parts screaming “Hidup Melayu“(Long live the Malays) and stealing the nation’s coffers is as bad as having 10 parties doing the same.

Annuar, we need changes in our thinking and approach to build a new progressive and inclusive Malaysia, where all citizens work hard to contribute to the nation.

EM: A wonderful idea, just brilliant.

This is because the grand coalition will require expanding the huge cabinet from 70 to at least 100, which can then enter the Guinness Book of Malaysia Boleh Records.

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