Ministry funnels RM1.3 million to Zoo Negara in June


KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has channeled a RM1.3 million Wildlife Welfare Care Fund (Dana Prihatin Kebajikan Hidupan Liar) to the National Zoo in June 2020.

His minister Datuk Dr. Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, in a statement yesterday, said that the fund, through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, (Perhilitan) aimed to help cover the cost of providing food to the animals to face the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

He said the ministry had provided an allocation of RM10.2 million under the Wildlife Care Fund program for the affected zoo and the Permanent Exhibition (ZPT) facilities.

He said the allocation was intended to ease the burden of operating costs for the facilities to ensure that the well-being of wildlife in all ZPTs remained protected.

It said that 21 ZPTs had submitted applications and that the funds had been channeled in stages starting in May 2020.

He further explained that apart from that, the ministry has also implemented several short-term actions to ensure the well-being of wildlife throughout the ZPT.

In addition, he said that it included specifically extending the 15 percent discount on the monthly electricity bill for six months to ZPT under the Economic Stimulus Package (PRE 1.0).

“Distribute 15 tons of items donated by the Malaysian Department of Quarantine and Inspection Services (MAQIS), including meat, vegetables and fruits, to the ZPT facilities.

“Also providing technical assistance to ZPT, especially in the management of the breeding,” he said in the statement.

He said this after issues in the media and social networks were turned that invited society to question the role of the government to overcome the problem of the economic activities of the ZPT operators affected by the Movement Control Order (MCO ).Called
