Ministry of Health: Malaysia moves to child vaccination of six series


PETALING JAYA: The Ministry of Health will transition to a six-series vaccination program for children, says Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah.

The director general of Health said that the combined vaccine (DTaP-IPV-HepB-Hib hexavalent), now covers six diseases, namely diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenzae type B.

“Up to four doses will be given to each child, in the stages of two months, three months, five months and 18 months.

“In addition, the hepatitis B vaccine given after birth will continue. The previous hepatitis B vaccine given at one month and six months will no longer be needed,” he said in a statement on Tuesday (November 17).

However, parents must still send their child for observation at those ages, as indicated in their child’s health and immunization record book, she said.

He added that the new schedule would mean fewer injections throughout the vaccination schedule, from seven previously to five.

“With this reduction, it is easier for parents to ensure that their children receive vaccination shots according to the established vaccination schedule,” he said.

The DG of Health also assured that the administered vaccines are safe.

“WHO observations showed that as of October 20, 49 countries had switched to the six-series DTaP-IPV-HepB-Hib vaccine in their respective national immunization programs.

“While it has been used in private medical facilities since 2013 in Malaysia and has been shown to be safe, this will be new to the National Immunization Program at the Ministry of Health facilities.

“As such, the ministry will observe AEFI (adverse events after vaccination) in each child after each dose.

“Parents should report any adverse effects experienced by their child to medical officials after each injection by returning the notification form, even if the effect is minor, such as a red spot where the injection was given,” he said.

He also said that parents can report the matter directly to the National Drug Regulatory Agency through
