Chinese support for Umno is ‘as high’ as ​​for DAP, no more, says a group of experts


The survey shows that Umno receives 25% support from the Chinese community, while DAP has 17%.

PETALING JAYA: A group of experts has clarified that their survey results indicate that the Chinese community’s support for Umno is “as high” as their support for DAP, and not “higher than” as previously reported.

In a statement to FMT, Emir Research said it was not correct to conclude from its survey that support for Umno was higher than DAP among Chinese.

I was responding to a FMT report in his survey of more than 2,000 respondents, he placed support for Umno among the Chinese community at 25% compared to 17% for DAP.

Emir Research, however, says that given the margin of error, it is inaccurate to conclude that Umno enjoyed more Chinese support than DAP.

“Only when we observe a percentage difference of at least 10% can we conclude that such a large difference cannot be by chance.

“So the most scientifically accurate way to interpret the observed results is that support for Umno is as high as for DAP among Chinese respondents.”

The survey, conducted in August also showed that Umno was by far the most supported party among those surveyed, collecting 42.8% of responses, well ahead of PAS and PPBM with 15.5% and 8.5%. respectively.

Broken down by ethnic demographic group, Umno remained the consistently best supported group, with a quarter of Chinese respondents expressing support.

In comparison, only 17% of these respondents selected DAP as their party of choice. The party got only 1% support from the Malays.

When asked about the most important factor dictating their vote, 29% of respondents attributed it to their “principles.”

It was closely followed by party loyalty and affinity for a particular politician, which accounted for 25% and 24% of responses, respectively.
