The government appoints a former federal court judge as director of the arbitration center


Former federal court judge Suriyadi Halim Omar replaces Vinayak Pradhan, who passed away in March.

PETALING JAYA: Former Federal Court Judge Suriyadi Halim Omar has been appointed Director of the Asian International Arbitration Center (AIAC).

The Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of the law, Takiyuddin Hassan, said that Suriyadi’s appointment is for a two-year term from December 1.

“The appointment was the result of our consultation with the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, as the center is an independent international organization under this body,” he said in a statement.

Takiyuddin added that the cabinet agreed to Suriyadi’s appointment last Friday. Suriyadi replaces lawyer Vinayak Pradhan, who passed away in March.

The Malaysian Bar Association had previously expressed concern about the delay in the appointment of Vinayak’s successor.

Bar Association President Salim Bashir said the position was absolutely imperative to retain and enhance the trust placed in the AIAC by the national and international community.

He said that in the absence of a director, various aspects of the arbitration proceedings could not be carried out, which included the appointment of arbitrators, setting of fees and review of arbitration awards.
