Motorsports: Lewis Hamilton: the world champion that some find it hard to like


PARIS, France (AFP): Lewis Hamilton has joined Michael Schumacher as the most successful driver in the history of Formula One; Yet despite all the accolades, the seven-time world champion has divided opinions.

With 20.6 million followers on Instagram, Hamilton is by far the most popular member of the Formula One grid, supported by an army of loyal fans known as ‘Team LH’.

“The best athlete this country has produced, hands down,” former Manchester United and England defender Rio Ferdinand tweeted after Hamilton crossed the finish line in Istanbul on Sunday.

However, Hamilton’s rise to F1 legend status has been accompanied by articles in his native country exploring the same question: “why doesn’t he like it?”

As in Schmacher’s conquering days with Ferrari, Hamilton and Mercedes have become victims of their own success.

Mercedes is accused in the court of public opinion of being too good and turning the sport into a tedious procession: They have won the last seven constructors ‘titles and Hamilton has won the last four drivers’ world titles.

Hamilton addressed the problem last season.

“It is not how F1 should be, but it is what it is now and has been that way in the past,” he said.

“But it’s not our fault these guys are good at their job.”

by The timesRebecca Clancy, Hamilton’s decision to move first to Switzerland and then to Monaco, partly to pay less taxes, was at the heart of any anti-Hamilton sentiment.

Another hurdle for some British F1 fans was the support of the once powerful McLaren team that led to their first title in 2008.

“The British like the underdog,” he explained. Sun.


by The Daily Telegraph, the ‘Marmite’ factor (to love it or loathe it) stems from the fact that “Hamilton’s tastes may not always be a perfect fit with the traditional motorsport community.”

Famous friends, flamboyant fashion sense, ‘bling’ jewelry, abundant tattoos, his spiritualism, reactions that sometimes appear over the top, the negative image he paints of his hometown Stevenage, his Anglo-American accent – all have been used as ammunition for his detractors.

His “aloof” attitude also ignites his critics.

“It is not in the tradition of British sports heroes to be so far apart,” wrote the Daily mailF1 reporter John McEvoy.

For some, it was Hamilton’s conversion to all things green and vegan in 2017 that shook, coming from someone traveling the world in a private jet, ever since it was sold, and spending much of his time behind the wheel of machines. F1 that consume a lot of gasoline. .

McEvoy wrote in the Mail in July: “The main accusation against Hamilton is of hypocrisy on several fronts.

“Many F1 connoisseurs have heard enough about Hamilton’s moralistic preaching.”

F1’s first black driver has pushed this season for more diversity in the paddock, a stance sparked by his vocal support for the Black Lives Matter movement. He spoke about the murder of George Floyd when no one else in his sport would and gained wide support for his position.

But some observers have noted that his tone can sometimes be perceived as preaching and “can upset people.”

His critics may not agree, but for many, like British driver Lando Norris, Hamilton is to be honored, not criticized.

“There is only one other person in the whole world who has achieved what he has, and that is Michael Schumacher,” said the McLaren rookie.

“He has led the way in many ways, on the track, but also off it.

“A lot of athletes who have done such things in other sports have earned the knighthood, so I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t.

“It’s a good thing that kids who want to race or don’t know much about racing are inspired by it, and obviously they try to achieve similar things.” – AFP
