Australia is ‘victim’ of COVID-19’s own success, as locals want to return: minister


MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Australia’s success in controlling COVID-19 as infections rise in many parts of the world is making the country a “victim of our own success” as Australians abroad want to go home, a cabinet minister said Sunday.

Australia closed its borders in March to all but citizens and residents, and the government has kept entries limited and put those allowed into the country in a mandatory two-week quarantine.

South Australia recorded three locally acquired coronavirus cases on Sunday, the first in months, after a worker at a quarantine hotel infected family members, health officials said.

This came after Australia saw its first week of no community coronavirus transmissions and no related deaths on Saturday since the start of the pandemic. Victoria, the pandemic’s hot spot, recorded its 16th consecutive day on Sunday with no new cases or deaths.

“With what is happening with COVID-19 in other parts of the world, we are almost becoming victims of our own success here in Australia, with more people wanting to return,” Education Minister Dan Tehan told Sunday. Sky News television.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday that with a growing number of Australians wishing to return, there are not enough quarantine facilities for others, such as thousands of international students.

“Within existing limits, returning Australians should be prioritized,” Tehan said on Sunday.

However, he said states and territories have been asked to come up with plans for the safe return of international students. With foreign students contributing A $ 35 billion ($ 25 billion) a year to the Australian economy, Canberra hoped to slowly allow their return in 2021.

Australia has recorded around 27,700 new coronavirus infections and 907 deaths from COVID-19, a fraction of what many other developed nations have seen, thanks to an impressive early response and strict measures that included shipping to Melbourne, the second-largest city. of the country, to block of months.

(Reporting by Lidia Kelly; Edited by William Mallard)
