General Directorate of Immigration: Employers who participate in the Labor Recalibration Plan must ensure that they are not blacklisted for immigration crimes


PUTRAJAYA: Employers who want to participate in the Job Recalibration Plan for undocumented immigrants must make sure they are not blacklisted for immigration crimes, says Datuk Khairul Dzaimee Daud.

The immigration director general said applications can be submitted starting Monday (Nov. 16).

He said employers should send application letters and complete information about their company, as well as information about the undocumented immigrants they plan to employ.

“With the information provided, we will verify the status of the companies, to make sure that the employers who are requesting this are not included in the department’s blacklist,” he said on Friday (November 13).

Khairul reiterated that only employers from four sectors: construction, manufacturing, plantations and agriculture will be able to participate in this program.

Employers should email requests to [email protected].

He said applicants should also check with the Peninsular Malaysia Department of Labor for information on the program involving the department.

He said announcements about the Repatriation Recalibration Plan and the Labor Recalibration Plan will be made from time to time and the public can submit inquiries through the Department of Immigration’s online question system at hppt: //eapp.imi.

On Thursday (November 12), the Interior Ministry announced that employers in the construction, manufacturing, plantation and agriculture sectors will be able to legally employ undocumented foreign workers under the Labor Recalibration Plan for undocumented immigrants.

Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin said the government will also implement the Repatriation Recalibration Plan, where migrants can volunteer to return to their homeland, subject to certain conditions.

The two plans will be implemented from November 16 to June 30, 2021.

The Labor Recalibration and Repatriation Recalibration plans are for employers and undocumented immigrants in Peninsular Malaysia.

The government emphasized that allowing undocumented immigrants to have legal employment would not threaten job opportunities for Malaysians.

For now, only employers in the four sectors whose operations are considered 3D – dangerous, difficult, and dirty – could hire undocumented immigrants as workers.

A special committee co-chaired by the ministers of Home and Human Resources would study the possibility of expanding the recalibration plan for undocumented immigrants to other sectors, in addition to the expatriate employment policy.

After the plans expire on June 30 next year, the Immigration Department would launch its Comprehensive Enforcement Plan for Undocumented Immigrants, which would see massive enforcement activities.

Employers found guilty of hiring foreigners without valid permits will be fined up to RM50,000 and imprisoned for up to 12 months for each undocumented immigrant employed, and those who hire more than five will also receive the rota.
