Frequent interruption of the water supply, need for other sources of raw water


KUALA LUMPUR: The frequency of water supply interruptions in the Klang Valley has been like a “monthly event” for more than a million consumers in the area.

The frequent contamination of rivers is like a nightmare for affected residents who have been seeking more concrete action, as 90 percent of the country’s raw water source is river water or surface water.

With the river basin exposed to the risk of contamination, especially at the water intake points, many sectors have suggested that the government use high technology to treat raw water from other sources as the Arab countries and Singapore do.

Arab countries, for example, use seawater as a source of raw water, which is then processed into drinking water and for daily use, while Singapore also processes wastewater into drinking water.

Increasing water reserves by looking for other sources, such as seawater and groundwater, is one of the best options.

Malaysian Water Engineers Action Committee (MyWAC) Chairman Ishak Hasnan said it is time for water treatment plants (LRAs) to be equipped with alternative sources of raw water that are guaranteed more free from contamination and can reduce dependence on river water.

Groundwater is the best option, he said, adding that the quality of groundwater in the country has the potential to be exploited and used as a source of raw water.

“Kelantan has used 53 percent of the groundwater as a raw water source for its LRA. A study should be sought on the quantity, quality and appropriate treatment method for groundwater ”, he said.

The reason is that groundwater generally contains higher substances, such as ferrous and manganese, than river water, in addition to other minerals. These materials require specific methods to reduce them to a level that is safe to use.

According to Ishak, there is a technology to treat groundwater, but the cost is quite high and to reduce the cost, local technology and expertise would have to be developed.

“In western countries, they take good care of their rivers, but they use a lot of groundwater as a source of raw water. Denmark uses 99 percent of groundwater as a water source and Switzerland uses up to 83 percent. This makes them less dependent on surface water as a source of raw water, ”he added.

Since September this year, there have been three interruptions in the water supply due to river pollution, the latest being last Tuesday when the Sungai Selangor Phase 1, 2, 3 and Rantau Panjang water treatment plants were seen Forced to halt operation after odor contamination was detected in Sungai Selangor. , allegedly due to an illegal discharge from a venue in Taman Velox, Rawang.

The country should have high water reserves, including reserves of pure and clean water, he said, adding that clean water reserves in some states are less than five percent or less of a day’s need.

“That is why when the LRA is forced to shut down, there will be an interruption in the water supply. Water storage should be increased to at least 20 percent, the higher it is, the better for consumers, “he added.

Meanwhile, an expert in water quality and water quality modeling, Dr. Zaki Zainudin said that cost is one of the key problems in using high-tech to treat water, and that the quantity quadruples in comparison with the existing method.

The Selangor government may consider using advanced technology for water treatment targeting plants that are at high risk of being affected due to contamination.

Among the water treatment plants in Sungai Selangor are the LRA Rantau Panjang, while in Sungai Langat, there are the LRA Semenyih and the LRA Tampoi.

However, for Zaki, prevention is better than cure, where authorities must take measures to prevent pollution by strengthening the river basin and ensuring that there are no high-risk industries upstream from the water intake points.

“As long as there is an industry upstream, there will be a risk of contamination and the interruption of the water supply will continue to occur,” he added. – Called
