Tithing Through Technology: Malaysians Urged To Use Contactless Payment During Pandemic


Religious councils are providing online payment solutions for zakat fitrah (tithe), so that the public can perform their religious duties while staying at home.

Although payments are generally made to amils ​​(authorized tithe collectors), the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of religious affairs, Datuk Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri, encouraged Muslims to use contactless methods for security reasons. during the Covid-19 pandemic.

If users do not want to make use of online portals, they can still use a QR code system to make cashless payments when they pay amils ​​in person.

In view of the coronavirus, he also said that zakat affairs should be in line with the National Security Council and the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the movement control order (MCO).

Zulkifli also urged Muslims to avoid the tradition of shaking hands after making a payment.

Each state is also adopting its own strategy to collect tithes safely, taking into account people’s needs.

The launch of the MAIWP zakat online payment portal was attended (from the left) by the director of the Department of Islamic Affairs of the Federal Territory (Jawi), Mohd Ajib Ismail, Zulkifli and the deputy executive director of MAIWP, Mohd Nizam Yahya. - BernamaThe launch of the MAIWP zakat online payment portal was attended (from the left) by the director of the Department of Islamic Affairs of the Federal Territory (Jawi), Mohd Ajib Ismail, Zulkifli and the deputy executive director of MAIWP, Mohd Nizam Yahya. – Bernama

Kelantan (Maik) Council of Religious and Islamic Malay Customs is accepting online payments, but has kept the counters open at its headquarters, exclusively for zakat payments.

The Melaka Zakat Center, on the other hand, is offering door-to-door collections for those who cannot make online payments in the state.

The Islamic Religious Council Johor (Maij) did not appoint any amils. Its committee chairman, Tosrin Jarvanthi, encouraged the public to pay through their online portal, Johor Online Payment, or online banking.

Those in rural areas who cannot, instead, can make payments at the Village Community Management Council (MPKK) offices.

Meanwhile, the PahangGo app, which was designed to accept various payments such as street parking and appraisal tax in Pahang, can now also be used to pay tithe.

Most other states also allow payments to be made through online banking or partners like Pos Malaysia and MyEG.

A member of the public showing receipts for zakat payments made at the Kedah Zakat Board counter. - BernamaA member of the public showing receipts for zakat payments made at the Kedah Zakat Board counter. – Bernama

The Islamic Religious Council of the Federal Territories (MAIWP) has also launched a dedicated site for zakat payments, which includes an explanation of who should pay, how to calculate tithing, and the rituals involved.

It also provides the Lafaz Akad Fitrah, a recitation to make when paying, and the accompanying prayer in Arabic and Bahasa Malay.

Tithing is generally set to match the value of 2.7 kg of rice, and the amount can vary from state to state, from RM5 to RM21, and must be paid before Ramadan.
