CMCO, Covid-19 pandemic among the issues that will be raised today in parliament


KUALA LUMPUR: Issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in seven states since yesterday, are among the topics to be discussed today at Dewan Rakyat.

According to Dewan Rakyat’s order documents, the two issues are contained in the top three questions in the Minister’s Question Time (MQT) session that will begin at 10 am.

Wong Shu Qi (PH-Kluang) is expected to ask the Prime Minister to lay out the rationale for CMCO implementation in seven states.

Clarification is also sought by Dr. Kelvin Yii Wuen (PH-Bandar Kuching), who will pose a question to the Minister of Education on the justification for closing schools across the country, including those located in Covid-19 green areas, as well as postponement of public exams and plans. to help students without Internet services.

Next up is Datuk Mohd Fasiah Mohd Fakeh (Bersatu-Sabak Bernam), who is expected to ask the Minister of Health about the number of groups spreading the Covid-19 pandemic, which ones are still active, and the extent to which these groups affect the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

As stated above, this MQT session only requires MPs to read the questions, and the minister will respond in writing the same day. Both questions and answers will be posted on Parliament’s website as soon as possible.

Once the MQT session is over, the focus will shift to the oral question and answer session which will see, among others, a question from Datuk Ahmad Nazlan Idris (BN-Jerantut) seeking an explanation from the Minister of Finance on the plans of the government. after the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) to help people who lost their source of income due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

It will be followed by the debate on the 2021 Supply Law Project corresponding to the 2021 Budget.

Dewan Rakyat’s session for this week will last only four hours from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Thursday, with a limit of only 80 deputies (41 government and 39 opposition / independent parties) who can be in the room at any time. . time.

The current session of the Dewan Rakyat will take place for 27 days until December 15.Called
