Make the budget more realistic, then we’ll support you, says Dr. M


Former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad asks how Malaysia can afford a ‘giant’ budget of RM322.5 billion.

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad called on Putrajaya to modify the 2021 budget proposals to make them “more realistic”, saying that expectations for economic recovery are too optimistic.

In a blog post, he said he didn’t need to be “bribed” to support the budget.

“What is a fact is that most of the people are not happy. That is shown by their reactions. I hope this budget is modified to make it more realistic. Then we can support you. There is no need to bribe us for our support. We don’t want to precipitate a crisis, ”he said.

Mahathir also expressed his amazement at the “giant” RM322.5 billion budget, questioning whether Malaysia could afford to finance it.

While the rubber glove industry did particularly well during the pandemic, he said, Petronas and the tourism industry had performed very poorly, adding that these two industries were the biggest contributors to government revenue.

“All other industries have suffered greatly. I don’t think that income and corporate tax is even two-thirds of normal figures in normal times.

“Don’t expect the restart or launch of new industries to begin on January 1. The optimistic outlook for immediate recovery once the Covid-19 pandemic is overcome is not going to happen. The pandemic would not end on New Year’s Day. “

He said there was still room to cut development and operating costs in the budget, noting that ministers and parliamentarians received numerous allocations.

Mahathir also said that the poor had been badly affected by the pandemic and subsequent closures, and many of them had no income or work.

He suggested that high-income people in government and the private sector give up 10% of their monthly wages, which could then be used to provide food and supplies to those who were unemployed or without any income.

“Shafie Apdal (the former prime minister of Sabah) had suggested that ministers should cut their salary by 30%. That is a great number. I believe that people who earn high salaries in government or in the private sector should give up 10% of their salaries.

“It’s a sacrifice, but I don’t think it will hurt them if there is a reasonable limit, say 20,000 ringgit per month,” he said.
