German news magazine repeats Trump’s controversial cover for Biden’s win


German news magazine Mirror repeated a controversial front page showing US President Donald Trump holding the decapitated head of the Statue of Liberty following Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 US election.

An image by the same artist showing Biden placing Lady Liberty head in place, accompanied by Trump’s slogan “Make America Great Again,” graces the cover of the online edition of Saturday’s magazine.

“My new cover for Mirror, Lady Liberty is back together. Thank you for following my work for the past four years, “Cuban-American artist Edel Rodríguez tweeted.

Mirror Editor-in-chief Barbara Hans said the cover for Biden was one of two prepared for Saturday’s magazine, as results were pending for days after Tuesday’s election, and the other showed Trump loading a rifle into a Oval Office entrenched and reading “the squatter.” “

After five anxious days of counting votes in key states on the battlefield, Biden won in Pennsylvania and Nevada on Saturday, pushing him over the required majority of 270 in the Electoral College, as projected by the three major U.S. broadcast networks. And the Associated Press news agency.

But when the magazine went to print around 3 a.m. German time, the winner was still unclear, hence the alternate image of Trump hidden in the Oval Office, the Spiegel editor explained.

In 2017, Spiegel sparked strong reactions with its cover of Trump, which showed the president holding the severed head of the Statue of Liberty in one hand and a bloody knife in the other and reading: “America First.” – dpa
