519 people arrested for non-compliance – Ismail Sabri


KUALA LUMPUR: Many continue to defy government directives despite the country having entered the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Chief Minister (Security Group) Datuk Seri Ismail Yaakob (pix) said.

The 519 people arrested yesterday for disobeying the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) was a clear example of this, he said.

Failure to practice physical distancing constituted the bulk of the crimes, with 209 detained, while another 126 people were caught without face masks, he said, adding that another 67 did not prepare registration facilities for their clients.

“Other crimes operated beyond the allowed hours (23), entertainment center activities (nine) and other types of crimes (88),” he said today in a statement about the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO).

Of those detained, 511 were slapped with compound notices, four were detained and the rest were released on bail, he said.

In addition, 298 Op Benteng roadblocks were set up involving police, the Armed Forces and the Malaysian Border Security Agency (AKSEM), Ismail Sabri said.

Meanwhile, from July 24 to yesterday, 62,490 people returned home from abroad and were placed in 67 hotels and 20 other locations, including public training institutes and private learning institutions, he said.

Of those, 9,315 are in mandatory quarantine, 384 were sent to hospitals for treatment, while 52,791 people have been discharged, it added.

Checks carried out by enforcement teams from the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Affairs showed that essential goods were sufficient throughout the country and readily available, he said. – Called
