Family members play an important role in protecting the family and the community against Covid-19


KUALA LUMPUR: Family members play an important role in protecting their families from the dangers of Covid-19, as well as being responsible for slowing the spread of the disease in the community, said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (pix).

He said that the responsibilities and challenges faced by the family were also increased by having to improve family health care, ensuring the continuity of education for children at home and caring for children at work.

Muhyiddin said this in his message about the launch of the National Family Month Celebration, with the theme “Kita Jaga Keluarga” (We take care of the Family), live through the Facebook of the Ministry of Development of Women, the Family and the Community today.

As such, he said, the 2021 Budget focused on initiatives to help vulnerable groups affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government remained committed to establishing Malaysia’s vision as a sustainable, fair country. , equitable and inclusive.

“The theme of this year’s National Family Month celebration, ‘We take care of the family,’ is adapted to the current situation, as we all face the threat of Covid-19. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country and the practice of the new normal has changed our lives.

“The government continues to work to alleviate the cost of living for people and provide a comprehensive social protection program to ensure that low-income and vulnerable groups are not left behind in the country’s development,” he said.

Muhyiddin hoped that the celebration would increase the awareness and commitment of society, as well as all sectors, to strengthen the family institution.

The strength of a family is the main pillar to guarantee the stability of the community and the integrity of the country, he added.

The prime minister said the government is committed to protecting family institutions affected by Covid-19 by providing protection, emotional support and counseling services to rebuild the strength of the family so that they are strengthened in the face of future challenges.

He said families affected by the pandemic must be empowered and supported so that they can start a new life and continue living.

Muhyiddin also praised the noble attitude of the people for helping families in need, regardless of race and religion, during the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO).

“I think the country can recover after this. This is the unique Malay Family, always united to help each other in bad and happy times, ”he said.

He said that a comprehensive support system requires the participation of all parties, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector and individuals, to care for families and help each other in case of need.

The ministry also provides support services to help people with emotional problems, where those in need of assistance can call 15999, which is available 24 hours, he said.

He said the government also provides special assistance to single mothers under the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) to help reduce their financial burden.Called
