Lee Lam Thye: Budget 2021 Shows Government Cares About People


KUALA LUMPUR: The Budget of $ 322.5bil for 2021 is a reflection of an attentive and people-centered budget to address the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis facing our nation.

The President of the Alliance for Safe Community, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye (Photo) said that such a budget was necessary to rescue Malaysians and help rebuild lives, particularly those of low- and middle-income groups, traders and small businesses facing financial difficulties.

“The budget is also necessary to ensure the very survival of our economy and nation. The large amount of goodies will be well received by all Malaysians, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said in a statement on Saturday (7 of November). ).

He added that Finance Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Zafrul Aziz announced various incentives, reliefs and handouts in his speech in Parliament on Friday (November 6) and this did not imply any tax increases.

“There was something for almost everyone to safeguard their lives and livelihoods. It reaches out to the young, the elderly and the B40 group to help them get through these tough times,” he said.

Lee added that the businesses were not forgotten, with tax cuts to employers who hire seniors, former prisoners and former drug addicts.

“Such incentives will encourage more employers to employ former prisoners and addicts rather than foreign workers,” he added.

Lee said the third wave of Covid-19 had shown that it was essential for the government to provide adequate funding to fight the pandemic.

“We need to provide more resources for public health, which has not been given due attention. We need to invest more in public health, which will give more benefits and dividends. Prevention is better than cure,” he said.

Lee said that the total allocation of RM31.9 billion for the Ministry of Health was inadequate as there were many health aspects to attend to, including the increase in mental health problems in the country.

He also said that the government must deal with any leaks in the system.

“Every year the Auditor General has been highlighting the problem of serious leaks in his annual report,” he said.

Lee added that all departments charged with implementing the proposals must ensure they do so with the utmost integrity.

“All departments and agencies must strengthen their integrity committees to prevent leaks, which is a nightmare for our nation.

“We must have the political will to get over this once and for all,” he said.
