Salary adjustment for contracted physicians from UD41 to UD43


KUALA LUMPUR: The government has an agreement to implement a salary adjustment for medical officers hired from grade UD41 to grade UD43, said Health Minister Datuk Seri, Dr. Adham Baba.

Speaking at a press conference after the presentation of the 2021 Budget in Dewan Rakyat this day, he said that the Ministry of Health (MOH) also plans to absorb the staff hired in the ministry after the salary adjustment has been carried out.

“They (UD41) will receive the salary level of UD43, compared to permanent medical officers in UD44,” he said.

In this regard, the Ministry of Health also planned to send local medical officers to work in England, UK and the terms and conditions of the program are being updated.

He said the measure would allow the officers involved to qualify for the promotion in addition to receiving training as medical specialists.

When asked about the government’s commitment to obtain the Covid-19 vaccine, Dr. Adham said that in addition to joining the global Covid-19 vaccine allocation plan, Covax, the government is also forging a ‘bilateral agreement’ with various other vaccine candidates to gain access to the vaccine.

He added that once the vaccine is obtained, priority will be given to those on the first line, as well as high-risk groups that may become infected, such as children.

“Access to the vaccine is expected in the first quarter of next year,” he said.Called
