No bonus or increase, but Cuepacs says Budget addresses the well-being of public officials


PETALING JAYA: Although no additional pay increase or bonus was announced, the Malaysian Civil and Public Service Employees’ Trade Union Congress (Cuepacs) said it is satisfied that the well-being of some 1.7 million civil servants has been taken into account in the 2021 Budget.

“Although there was no announcement of a salary increase or additional bonus, we appreciate the approach taken to improve the civil service delivery system and the welfare of public officials,” said Cuepacs President Adnan Mat (Photo) said in a statement on Friday (November 6).

He said the budget reflected Cuepacs ‘previous requests to the government which, among other things, included a special grant of RM600, a RM500 grant for front-line members of the Ministry of Health, RM310mil for public servants’ housing, RM14mil to improve the ICT infrastructure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the construction of urban transformation. centers. (UTC).

He said the budget would benefit public officials whose family income was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It should be remembered that not all civil servants earn high incomes, and there are those whose spouses were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said, adding that this was particularly true for households with incomes below RM 5,000.

He said that RM6.6 billion under Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat that would benefit some 8.1 million households was one of the plans that benefited public officials.

He also said that the RM700mil allocation for the Short Term Employment Program (My STEP) would help create jobs to fill the vacancies of nurses, medical assistants, welfare officers and temporary teachers.

Adnan said Cuepacs was also happy that RM1bil was assigned to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus, as many public officials served as pioneers in the fight against the virus.

However, he said that the one-time allocation of RM500 for Health Ministry leaders should be expanded to cover other agencies such as the police and the military.
