Trump’s sons ask him to ‘go to all-out war’ against ‘cheating’


Donald Trump Jr, gestures during a press conference at the headquarters of the Republican Party of Georgia on November 5 (AP photo)

NEW YORK: While Donald Trump’s political allies remained silent or distanced themselves from the US president on Thursday, increasingly alone in his fight against what he says is widespread electoral “fraud,” his older children declared their allegiance subsidiary.

Donald Trump Jr, the eldest, asked his father in a tweet to wage a “total war” against the traps he believes are polluting the presidential election.

The incendiary tweet was framed by some, including the New York Post, as a clear sign of growing panic in Trump’s camp over Joe Biden’s chances of winning the White House.

“The best thing for America’s future is that @realDonaldTrump goes to all-out war for this election to expose all the fraud, cheating, dead / no more voters in the states, that has been going on for far too long,” he wrote Don Jr. on his Twitter account, where he regularly retweets conspiracy theories.

It did not provide any proof of the hoax that it claimed was taking place.

“It’s time to clean up this mess and stop looking like a banana republic!” he added, before poking fun at the Republicans’ “complete inaction”, mentioning some, like South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, usually a staunch Trump ally.

His younger brother, Eric, also took aim at the party his father theoretically heads.

“Where are the Republicans! Have some backbone. Fight this fraud. Our voters will never forget you if you are your sheep! ” he wrote.

However, few seemed to respond to his grammatically incorrect call.

Trump’s eldest daughter and one of his top advisers, Ivanka, tweeted Thursday that her father “will always go to the canvas fighting for the working men and women of this great country!”

But he has not tweeted or retweeted any of the fraud accusations defended by his brothers since election day.
