Bad Romance: Lady Gaga on Twitter fights with Trump’s campaign


Music superstar Lady Gaga got into an unlikely feud on Twitter on Sunday (November 1) with President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign after she was accused of being anti-fracking.

Democratic challenger Joe Biden announced that Gaga would appear with him Monday night at a rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a state crucial to victory on November 3.

Trump’s team responded immediately, criticizing the joint appearance.

“Nothing exposes Joe Biden’s disdain for the neglected workers and women of Pennsylvania like campaigning with anti-fracking activist Lady Gaga,” said the campaign’s communications director, Tim Murtaugh, in a statement posted on Twitter.

“This desperate effort to generate buzz for his lackluster candidacy is actually a stick in the eye for 600,000 Pennsylvanians working in the fracking industry,” Murtaugh said, adding that Biden has “repeatedly promised leftist activists” that will end fracking. should take over.

Fracking, the extraction of gas and oil from deep underground rocks by injection of water and chemicals, boomed in the mid-2000s thanks to new technology.

By 2014, it made the United States the world’s largest oil and gas producer.

But its costs are high: Drilling triggers earthquakes, while research links its air emissions and water pollution to a myriad of health problems. It also contributes to global warming when methane escapes from drill holes and becomes a very powerful greenhouse gas.

Biden favors a ban on new fracking on public lands and the country’s transition to renewables, but has said he would not completely eliminate fracking.

Lady Gaga applauded Murtaugh, tweeting: “HEY TIM HEY @realDonaldTrump SO HAPPY I’M GLAD TO BE LIVING FREE ON YOUR HEAD. #BidenHarris.”

The Oscar winner attached an image of Murtaugh’s statement, decorated with animated stickers that read “LOL” and “Vote Biden”, as well as the message “Heeeey Donald … #WINNER (also what is fracking?) your works PA … We (heart emoji) You “.

Murtaugh thanked Gaga for sharing the statement with her 82 million followers and said she hoped “a lot of people in PA will see this.”

“Next time @ me,” he added, referring to Twitter’s method of tagging people in posts.

But there was only love for Gaga in the rest of the comments, where fans jokingly urged her to “DONE WITH HIM” and “GET HIM QUEEN”.

Murtaugh doubled down shortly after, tweeting: “Now that we have your attention, Google ‘Lady Gaga fracking.’

But many remained indifferent, with one Twitter user joking: “Yeah, the first thing I think of when I think of Gaga is her point of view on fracking.”

“For you, that’s Grammy-winning anti-fracking activist Lady Gaga,” wrote another person.

Biden currently leads Trump by an average of 4.3 percentage points in Pennsylvania, according to RealClearPolitics, two days before the election. – AFP
