Perhaps France is practicing its version of ‘supremacy’


YOUR OPINION | “Ketuanism” expects minorities to access the opinions, preferences, and practices of the majority. “

Dr M claims ‘killing millions of French’ comment is misrepresented

Vijay47: This is the former Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. A coward with his typical pathetic efforts to shout universal condemnation for racist outbursts, he thought he would paint him as a new Saladin in the Malay-Muslim world, only to pull his tail between his legs when he subsequently realizes that he had again failed in your shot. excess.

If the protests against him are expressed forcefully, it is only because he is not worthy of any deference towards his age. He has the audacity to claim now that his statement was misrepresented, that his words were taken out of context to make it appear that he was promoting violence. Of course you were.

Even if he had not actually asked the Muslims to kill the French, his words taken as a whole, yes, even and especially with the redemptive words that he alleges were hidden, they would have been read as an invitation to kill by certain already confused people. and wrong enough to believe that any offense to their religion had to be accompanied by death.

How could anyone interpret that “Muslims have the right to be angry and kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past? But in general, Muslims have not applied the law of “tit for tat”. Muslims don’t ”?

What did you mean by “and kill millions”? Three is not enough? In the immediate aftermath of a savage murder in a church, are these the inflammatory words expected of a 95-year-old man? And now you wring your hands and complain that you were taken out of context.

His statement had no conciliatory tinge whatsoever, that even in the face of a religious offense, the answer cannot be murder. His only demand was that “the French should teach their people to respect the feelings of others.” And I suppose if the French don’t, the consequences are their fault.

This is not the first time that worldwide rebuke and disgust has been earned. Can we expect it to be the last?

EM: Cetouanism, whether in Malaysia or France, expects minorities to agree to the views, preferences and practices of the majority.

It cannot be acceptable in Malaysia and disgusting anywhere else. So former Prime Minister Mahathir should start by speaking out here. But then, he is the main proponent of that toxic ideology.

Shovel nose: Maybe a taste of your own medicine? So Mahathir, you expect others to teach their own to be sensitive to a certain segment only, but there is no need to reciprocate?

What happens in France is another matter, it is not Malaysia, where your species “reigns supreme”. Commenting on the events on the other side of the meadow, you probably don’t mean to mean anything on your side of the lawn, are you?

Or are you hinting at some kind of similarity in your call? Complex, but today’s Malaysia is certainly out of control.

Vgeorgemy: We cannot change the historical injustice committed by previous generations. The ancestors of the French and other colonial masters committed atrocities against the population of the occupied territories.

The invading army of the Muslim Mogul empire has committed such atrocities in India. We cannot justify the current atrocities against Indian Muslims due to the actions of the 17th century. Our leaders must not justify the horrors of the day with such historical injustices.

OceanMaster: According to Mahathir, Muslims have the right to kill millions. Really?

There are also other civilizations that also have the same rights, based on the atrocities inflicted over centuries.

Much of the murder and genocide occurred in the dark medieval era. The human race has advanced and has become much more civilized. How, in the world, can anyone justify the beheading of innocent people today?

So nothing has been taken out of context here. For someone who is home to the controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik, and who is constantly defending hegemony, racism, and intolerance over minorities, we know Mahathir well and it’s no wonder he wrote this.

Minorities here may not have a voice, but the rest of the world does. You deserve the criticism.

Coward: For someone who is not only not sensitive to religious harmony but plays the religion card over and over again, asking another person to be sensitive is really too rich for me.

If we take into account his past behavior and look at the text and his command of English, it is difficult to sustain his argument that this is not seen as possible incitement.

He’s used to getting away with things like this. I’m glad you met your partner.

Of course, Facebook and Twitter are biased as well. Problems involving non-Christian religions will be construed as incitement and will overcome their filtering because it is not considered incitement in the West, even if it causes problems elsewhere. They just aren’t as biased as he is.

My point of view on freedom of expression is always conditional on “doing no harm” everywhere, Malaysia or not. Since your statement, even accepting your argument at face value can cause violence elsewhere. Is not acceptable.

Fiat Justitia: Good doctors know that for every action there is a reaction.

As a public figure and two-time prime minister, perhaps the world’s oldest politician, you should know that all of your pronouncements will be scrutinized, so why should this be an exception?

But we’re all used to your style of spinning things every time you get caught with your pants down, so to speak. It’s just that this time you’ve brought shame not only to yourself but to the nation as well.

Greensleeves0822: At this age and time, what is most needed is for the world to be magnanimous and kinder for a more peaceful existence in the face of racial and religious tensions.

We certainly do not need prejudiced opinions and comments to provoke more conflict and distort reality to cause unnecessary misunderstandings between people of different beliefs.

Simply put, if you have nothing positive to say to find a solution or better understanding. Just keep your space closed and your fingers off the keyboard.

Wilcox Malaysia Next time, if I am angry with a friend, I will write: “I have the right to cut off your head. But I will not do it because I am not a violent person.”

Isn’t it a threat if my friend decides to report me?

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