Pompeo slanders China in Indonesia, rebuked


BEIJING, Oct. 31 (China Daily / ANN): China’s ambassador to Indonesia has denounced the erroneous comments made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during the recent visit of the top US diplomat to Asia.

In Indonesia, Pompeo slandered China and tried to pit China against Indonesia, undermining regional peace and stability.

With China as the central theme, Pompeo took aim at Beijing on the issue of the South China Sea, the Belt and Road Initiative and handling the coronavirus pandemic, The Associated Press reported.

He wrapped up his five Asian country tour in Vietnam on Friday (October 30). His previous stops also included India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

The U.S. government has made confrontation with China, its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the so-called human rights record and the issue of the South China Sea among its top foreign policy priorities.

“We firmly oppose such efforts. Pompeo’s comments and movements expose the vile attempt by the United States and highlight some of his own serious problems,” Ambassador Xiao Qian said in a statement on the embassy’s website.

As the instigator of a new Cold War, the United States is an obstructionist in global openness and cooperation, he said.

America’s “Indo-Pacific strategy” is to exaggerate military nuances and confrontation, tout an antiquated Cold War mentality, and build a new NATO in the self-dominated “Indo-Pacific,” the ambassador said, adding that a dangerous attempt to roll back the wheel of history poses a serious threat to regional peace and stability.

“With the goal of providing benefits to all, the Belt and Road Initiative follows an approach of extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits, and advocates for openness and inclusion.

“More than 100 countries and international organizations have supported the initiative. Projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway are bringing tangible benefits to countries along the route, including Indonesia.”

Calling the United States the most dangerous factor endangering peace in the South China Sea, Xiao said that the United States has not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, but has always impersonated by a defender of her.

“The United States has repeatedly pitted the countries of the region against each other, flexed its muscles and instigated tensions. It is becoming the single most important factor fueling militarization and the most dangerous factor endangering peace in the Sea of South China “.

An article published by The Jakarta Post on Tuesday said Pompeo was apparently engaged in “an impossible mission” to persuade, or more precisely, to pressure Indonesia to work closely with the United States to corner and isolate China, which is Indonesia’s most important trading partner. .

“The mission comes as Washington’s global power and influence is diminishing in part because (the United States) has cut many fiscal and economic incentives, while unilaterally punishing its allies and strategic partners,” the article added. – China Daily / Asian News Network
