Not all public servants receive aid from the BPN, Cuepacs clarifies


Bantuan Prihatin Nasional aid is granted to households in groups B40 and M40, regardless of whether the beneficiary is a civil servant or works in the private sector.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Civil and Public Service Employees Unions Congress (Cuepacs) has criticized those who claimed that public officials should not be assisted by Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) as they were not affected by Covid- 19.

Its president, Adnan Mat, said it was unfair to make such a statement, as the BPN was delivered to households in groups B40 and M40, regardless of whether the recipient is a public servant or works in the private sector.

“Not all public officials receive BPN. If the household income is higher than what is stipulated, they are not eligible even if they are public servants.

“The same happens with the private sector; if their income is higher, they are not eligible to receive BPN either, “he said in a statement here today.

I was commenting on a statement made by a financial consultant on a Sinar Live show yesterday that public officials should not receive BPN as they were not affected or their salary was not deducted during the motion control order and the period of the pandemic. of Covid-19.

Adnan said it was unfair to say that public officials were not eligible to receive BPN just because they had been receiving their salary as usual amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It should be remembered that not all spouses of public officials work in the government sector. Some of them are full-time housewives, self-employed as street vendors or work in the private sector where their income could also be affected, ”Adnan said.

He added that public servants who have housing loans with the Public Sector Housing Finance Board (LPPSA) must pay their loans as usual despite the fact that some of their spouses lost their jobs, were unable to do business, or had their pay cut. salary.

“Cuepacs believes that the decision made by the government is fair and has considered all the people affected by Covid-19,” he said.
