Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns terrorist attack in Nice


Three people were killed in the attack on Thursday morning. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: The Foreign Ministry condemned the recent attack in Nice, France, and called on the international community to tackle terrorism comprehensively.

In a statement, the ministry expressed its condolences to the families of the victims and expressed the hope that the perpetrator will be brought to justice.

On Thursday morning, a lone attacker entered the Notre-Dame de Nice basilica, armed with three knives, killed three people before being shot and detained.

In response to this, the ministry has called for “urgent and concerted” efforts to eliminate acts and threats of terrorism.

“Obviously, this global threat does not recognize borders, religious or racial affiliations.

“For any effort to be effective, all members of the international community must come together to address the root causes of terrorism and promote mutual respect and harmonious and peaceful coexistence, while opposing persecution, provocation, attacks, prejudices, as well as religious or hatred, “said the statement.

The attack is France’s second alleged terrorist attack in the space of fifteen days, following the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown his students drawings of the prophet Muhammad in a class he led on freedom of expression.

Tension has brewed in Muslim countries around the world after French President Emmanuel Macron called Islam a religion “in crisis” and some called for a boycott of the republic’s products.
