Post on ‘right to kill millions of French’ taken out of context


KUALA LUMPUR: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (pix) He said his post on social media Thursday that Muslims have the right to “kill millions of Frenchmen” has been taken out of context and misrepresented.

Those who did that highlighted only a part of paragraph 12 that said: “Muslims have the right to be angry and kill millions of French people because of the massacres of the past.”

“They stopped there and hinted that I am promoting the massacre of the French,” he said on his blog today.

“If they had read the entire post and especially the subsequent sentence that said, ‘But in general, Muslims have not applied the’ eye for an eye ‘law. Muslims do not. The French shouldn’t. Instead, the French should teach their people to respect the feelings of others, ”said Dr. Mahathir.

The 95-year-old leader said that due to the twist and out-of-context presentation of those who picked up his post, complaints were made against him and he was accused of promoting violence.

He said that Facebook and Twitter had asked the administrators of their Facebook and Twitter accounts to remove the posts, and despite attempts to explain the context of the post, they were removed.

“There is nothing I can do with the decision of Facebook and Twitter to remove my post. Since they are the purveyors of freedom of expression, they should at least allow me to explain and defend my position, ”he said.

He said that for them is freedom of expression.

“On the one hand, they defended those who chose to display offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and hope that all Muslims will buy it in the name of freedom of expression. On the other hand, they deliberately removed that Muslims had never sought revenge for injustice against them in the past, ”said Dr. Mahathir.

He said even his call that the French should explain the need to advise their people to be sensitive and respect other people’s beliefs was left out.

He said he was in fact disgusted with attempts to misrepresent and take his post Thursday out of context.

What these reactions to his article promote, he said, is inciting French hatred of Muslims. – called
