4.5 million residents registered in the electronic census so far


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s Population and Housing Census 2020 Online (Census 2020), also known as ‘e-Census’ implemented between July 7 and October 26, has so far registered a total of 4.5 million residents , or 13.4 percent of the country’s population of 32.7 million.

Malaysia’s chief statistician Datuk Seri, Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, said Putrajaya, Perak, and Selangor recorded the highest completion rates, while in the states of Sabah and the east coast of the Peninsula, the completion rates they were still below 10%.

“We have received around 50,000 complete censuses per day so far, but our goal is between 80,000 and 90,000 complete censuses per day so that we can achieve a completion rate of 40% to 50% for the electronic census,” he said. in an interview during Bernama TV’s ‘Ruang Bicara’ show tonight.

He said that among the complaints received about the electronic census from the public were problems with the filing code, as well as questions that some of them considered irrelevant.

“Regarding the subject of the filing code, what we have done in the Department of Statistics is basically list all the addresses of the residences in Malaysia, that is, nine million of them, but when the system receives information that is entered (by the user), the pairing process can take up to three days, as what is stored in the system and what people fill in is different.

“So what we had done in the field or in some states to help the public previously was to conduct electronic census clinics with the Rukun Tetangga communities, but now we can only work in green areas due to the Covid-19 pandemic.” he said.

Regarding the questions asked in the 2020 Census, Mohd Uzir said that they were not from the Malaysian Department of Statistics, but rather from various ministries, agencies and private organizations that require information to implement public policies and development plans for the country.

“In (Census) 2010, there were only 50 questions (but) this time there are 108, and they are not just for a certain group of people, but for the entire population of Malaysia of 32.7 million, so the questions may seem irrelevant for some in the city, for example on facilities such as electricity, water and transport.

“But for the rural population, it can be significant because the government can make improvements from the data obtained and know exactly where to allocate the funds … perhaps this needs to be explained further on social media,” he said.

Regarding the second phase of the census (face-to-face), which was delayed until January 20 next year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Mohd Uzir said that it will be implemented taking into account the advice of the Ministry of Health and the Council. National Security.

“Phase two, which is face-to-face, was previously scheduled between October 7 and 24, but has been rescheduled. We hope that there will be no obstacles when we start on January 20, but at the same time, our decisions and action plan will always prioritize the safety aspect under the new rule, including following the standard operating procedures that are established, ”he said. . -Called
