Former Republican prosecutors back Biden, calling Trump a threat to the rule of law


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Twenty former Republican US prosecutors accused President Donald Trump of threatening the rule of law on Tuesday when they declared their support for Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden.

Former high-ranking federal prosecutors, who collectively served under all Republican presidents from Dwight Eisenhower to George W. Bush, said in a public letter that Trump treated the Justice Department as his personal law firm by lobbying government attorneys. to protect your allies and attack. his political enemies.

The group is the latest of several Republican-led organizations opposing the reelection of Republican Trump.

Others include Republican voters against Trump, former Republican Biden national security officials, and 43 alumni of Biden, consisting of hundreds of officials who worked for George W. Bush, the 43rd president.

Former US prosecutors say Trump has politicized the Justice Department like no other president.

“We believe that the leadership of President Trump is a threat to the rule of law in our country,” the group wrote.

The Trump campaign has described the Republican-led groups campaigning for Biden as disgruntled former officials “trying to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States.” Trump on Twitter last year referred to “Never Trump Republicans” as “human scum.”

The lawyers said they were dismayed by Trump’s 2017 firing of FBI Director James Comey, which they believe was done to thwart an investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election; his removal of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom Trump publicly rebuked for failing to close the Russia investigation, and Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his adviser Roger Stone, saving him from jail after he was convicted of lying under oath to lawmakers investigating Russia. interference.

“He’s not just bending the rules, he’s breaking them,” said Ken Wainstein, a co-founder of the group who served as a federal prosecutor in Washington under Bush.

(Reporting by Tim Reid; Editing by Scott Malone and Grant McCool)
