Dr. Noor Hisham refutes allegations of fake Covid-19 figures


PUTRAJAYA: Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah has also refuted allegations that the Covid-19 figures for Saturday (October 24) were inaccurate.

Early Monday (October 26), the Health Ministry denied the report that it was falsifying the numbers.

He said that daily Covid-19 data from the Ministry of Health is collected every day at noon from all states using a public health information system.

Dr. Noor Hisham said this in response to allegations on social media that the number of Covid-19 cases on October 24 out of 1,228 cases was false.

“This data is not being manipulated. These are the facts that we have. We used this system from day one.” It cannot be that when the data shows figures of zero or one digit, we accept it, but when it shows a figure of more than 1,000, we reject the data. “

“This data is collected from all states through the public health information system,” he said during his daily press conference on Monday (October 26).

Dr. Noor Hisham added that each state enters their respective data into the system, adding that the ministry will then collect it and discuss the issues.

“It comes not just from me, but from the entire team that collects this data,” he said.

The viral message on WhatsApp claimed that the Ministry of Health had falsified the number of Covid-19 cases on October 24, in which 1,228 cases were reported.

The message also claimed that Dr. Noor Hisham was dissatisfied with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s instructions to falsify the number of cases, adding that the government wanted to use this to push the case for declaring a state of emergency in the country, thus suspending Parliament.

The message was accompanied by a screenshot of a report on the cancellation of the DG Health daily press conference on Sunday (October 25).

Dr. Noor Hisham clarified that he could not hold his usual daily press conference since he had to be in Istana Negara to share with the Council of Governors the actions of the ministry in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic since December last year. .

“I gave them the latest updates. They (the Governing Council) also asked about the vaccine. There are currently nine vaccines in phase three testing, but there are no full reports yet. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Mosti) is looking into this, “he said.
