No state of emergency, but instability is likely to continue


YOUR OPINION | ‘This actual refusal may not mean a loss of confidence in a strict sense, but …’

Agong has decided: A state of emergency is not necessary

Vijay47: Water under the bridge and all that, we don’t need to consider that the call could have gone just as well the other way around.

It is enough that now we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and say piously that when wisdom is trusted, the right decision will be made; A grave and an imminent threat have been averted, the lark is flying, God is in His sky, all is well in the world.

However, there are still many questions, the most urgent one is “What will become of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin? Will he come out of his mischief unscathed?

No one would buy his sorry story that his intent was to heal the nation, which, in hindsight, proved misguided, as Her Majesty’s decision shows. That could have been the case if Muhyiddin, when he requested the emergency declaration, had been bolstered by a strong presence in Parliament, with perhaps 120 or more members supporting him.

But when you seek royal approval when your survival hangs by the smallest of margins, coupled with the reality that while the Covid-19 infection is serious, we are reasonably far from critical proportions, the reason for your request was self-preservation.

So what can we do with this prime minister? Apparently nothing. The Agong’s rejection cannot be said to be a loss of majority confidence, a fate that can only be suffered in the House.

Anyway, when you go hat in hand asking for something as urgent as an emergency, an actual refusal would be so devastating that it would force any prime minister to resign. However, the gambler will bet that Muhyiddin is not a prime minister.

The fine print of the king’s council says that no one should threaten the stability of the government, again something that raises several questions. What does this mean with opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s claim that he has the support of the majority in Parliament? Has it become null and void?

Another cause for concern is the 2021 budget that will be presented next month. We wonder what the consequences would be if the budget bill is rejected.

FairMalaysian: Unfortunately, Muhyiddin is surrounded by retards who will drag him into the bottomless pit. If he’s a sensible and even smart prime minister, he could have turned all of this into a positive, and quite possibly could have been praised by most of the people on the other side of the divide.

All he had to do was call Anwar personally and discuss with him the need to lift the country out of the abyss. Anwar is a very impartial person and much more mature than these scheming friends of Muhyiddin. With this, he could have interrupted any move to take over the government.

What to do, Muhyiddin does not have a “brain” to think outside the box nor does he have good people around him. The fact that news has circulated that it was some of the imports, the detractors, who may have influenced Muhyiddin to resort to an emergency. What were they really thinking?

The sad result of this unjustified attempt would surely have eroded the goodwill that people had shown to Muhyiddin.

While I thought I should have written this earlier, to be frank, Muhyiddin was in no mood for good advice and was with his ego up his sleeve and surrounded by useless people who did not care about the people of this country. These selfish politicians may one day be exposed.

For now, Tuanku has shown a way out of this dilemma. Muhyiddin should put aside his pride and ego, and if he really cares about people, call Anwar and talk to him. Trust me, Anwar has a big heart and both teams should sit down and work for the people, at least for now.

This may mean that Muhyiddin may have to get rid of some of his discards and that may be necessary so that the naysayers do not work for the people.

Sun: A huge “thank you” to His Majesty. With his actions he has shown that he cares about the country and the people. Now, he should advise Muhyiddin to have an inclusive and all-party cabinet, at least until this Covid-19 battle is won.

Once again, it is wonderful to know that we have a monarch who is not a mere “rubber stamp.” And shame on the prime minister for assuming our king would be one.

GreenHamster8043: Yes, thank you, Tuanku. The rakyat are relieved. For those who started this nonsense of emergency rules, let them be cursed for their lust for power and thoughtlessness.

EM: So what do we do with the MPs who “politicized” and then subverted the elected government in February, and two days ago, threatened the nation with a designed emergency?

YellowEagle3055: Come the next elections, we must never forget the Prime Minister and his party who threatened us with a national emergency only to cling to power, destroy our democracy and cause us great anxiety.

No prime minister in the history of Malaysia has done that before. We were saved by our sage Agong. As DAP leader Lim Guan Eng said, Tuanku was our last hope and he succeeded. Daulat Tuanku!

Anonymous_47029368: “… Sultan Abdullah also opined that there was no need for the deputies to continue their irresponsible action that could threaten the stability of the current government.

“His Majesty emphasized that the 2021 Budget to be presented in Parliament is of the utmost importance to the people in the fight against Covid-19 and the reactivation of the economy …”

Therefore, everyone should withdraw all motions of no confidence and approve the 2021 budget.

Malaysia Bharu: @ Anonymous_47029368, do you mean that the king is directing the function of Parliament? Don’t put words in the king’s mouth.

The slap while emphasizing the importance of Budget 2021 may be the king’s way of telling Muhyiddin that there are many ways to skin the cat in addition to resorting to the state of emergency.

One thing is clear, however. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. It is not the role of the king to save the prime minister.

PinkKijang3425: This problem will never stop. The Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition is weak because its partners are unhappy. Umno can still resign and not join Anwar, and the government will continue to fall.

I don’t think Umno likes being treated like a second-class citizen in PN and he also sees how Bersatu takes away his strength.

Both Bersatu and Umno fight for the same group of voters. Umno would be stupid if he let Bersatu get stronger in the next three years.

Umno leader Nazri Abdul Aziz is stupid if he doesn’t see that in Bersatu’s strategy. Harapan is only there to take advantage of disgruntled partners. The best solution for Umno is to have choices before Bersatu swallows Umno.

YOURS | A slap for Muhyiddin, but will he quit?

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