Azmin Ali and his hypocrisy


In his statement yesterday, the Minister of Industry and International Trade, Mohamed Azmin Ali, attempted to:

1) contrast the efforts of the current government with the alleged “politicking” of the opposition;

2) paint the speech against the emergency declaration as a campaign led by the opposition; Y

3) argue that the emergency is a necessary response to Covid-19.

His statements are clearly misleading and weak in their persuasive nature given the sheer hypocrisy he exhibits.

It’s another double-talk attempt in which the best interest of the nation mysteriously aligns with yours.

I mean the following statement you made:

“Given this, it is most regrettable that the leader of the opposition has chosen to stoke instability and sow hatred when he affirmed to the whole world that he had obtained ‘a convincing and formidable majority in Parliament’ to form a new government and calling on Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to step down. “

While Azmin might think that he is different from Anwar Ibrahim because his actions earlier this year were initially intended to maintain the leadership of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad by forming a new coalition (which later failed with the resignation of Dr. Mahathir) , the modus operandi that he and his cohorts display is no different from the methods of the man he seeks to vilify.

The government of which it is a part is the cause of the instability in the first place, which was established during the height of the pandemic.

Yes, two mistakes don’t make a hit, but in this situation a pot that says the kettle is black doesn’t change the color either.

In any case, the personal animosity between him and Anwar Ibrahim is an irrelevant factor in the need to declare an emergency.

Azmin, through his rhetoric, seeks to discredit the opposition by portraying an image of the ruling coalition working hard to curb the pandemic.

However, what he has not mentioned in his statement is the suppression of information and data to Selangor related to Covid-19, the lack of inclusion of the states led by the opposition in the discussions about the pandemic and the quality of the work that he and their cohorts. They’ve been producing for the last two months or so.

What good is working hard if the quality of the work produced is unsatisfactory?

The Work From Home directive issued last week reeks of incompetence in the way it was communicated and implemented.

Ten percent management? It is also not fair to assume that if the opposition were in place, they would not work as hard or perform even better.

In any case, the work should be expected and not praised simply because it is done.

Azmin also stated the following:

“In light of this, yesterday’s outbreak of opposition parties on the nation that will fall into a dictatorship if a state of economic emergency is declared is, therefore, an act of total recklessness and irresponsibility, very inappropriate for the deputies “.

He could not explain how it is an act of “total recklessness and irresponsibility” for there to be an outburst of the nation descending into a dictatorship.

We have legal experts with many years of experience or years of academic reading who have stated quite clearly that there is no such thing as an “economic emergency” nor is there a need to declare an emergency in light of the other laws that the state may impose to stop the pandemic.

To deviate from the opinion of people who are experts on the subject is to act in a way that is not different from an earthly one.

Parliament is necessary in times like these to ensure that passed laws are debated, so that they reflect the best interests of the nation.

It is a fundamental aspect of our democracy and what Azmin Ali asks us to do is place our trust in a prime minister who was not elected to have the full reign of the country for an indefinite period of time.

Thanks but no thanks.

If the real enemy is Covid-19, as Azmin has said, then he should swallow the bitter pill he has with Anwar Ibrahim and convince his cabinet to back down on his #ProtesDarurat emergency declaration proposal. – October 25, 2020.

* Goh Cia Yee reads The Malaysian Insight.

* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight.
