Covid-19: 16 new cases registered in Sarawak today, total at 796


KUCHING (Oct 25): Sarawak recorded 16 new Covid-19 cases today, with 15 detected in Kuching and one in Serian, bringing the cumulative count of positive cases in the state to 796.

According to the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), seven were imported cases, another seven were from contact tracing of previously identified Covid-19 positive patients and two from other screening tests.

“There are seven cases imported today from areas that have been identified as high risk for Covid-19. Cases 781, 782 and 787 included two local women and a man who had a history of traveling to Selangor, ”he said in a statement.

It added that Case 783 was a local woman who had been to Sungai Petani, Kedah and Cases 784 and 785 were a mother and child who attended a relative’s wedding in Kuantan, Pahang.

Case 786 was a student at a higher education institute in Kuala Lumpur, he added.

“The patients in cases 781 to 787 had returned to the state on October 14 aboard the same flight and were placed in quarantine centers in Kuching upon arrival. Their second reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rT-PCR) test on October 23 identified them as positive for the virus. Since then, patients have been admitted to Sarawak General Hospital for additional treatments. “

The committee added that seven new cases were detected following active contact tracing efforts of recently identified Covid-19 positive patients.

“Cases 788, 789 and 790 were close contacts of the Baki Group. They had a history of attending a family reunion along with Cases 768 and 770 on October 4-5. The most recent cases were from the same family, consisting of a husband, wife and son studying at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Wira Penrissen. “

Cases 791, 793, 794 and 795 were close contacts of the Seladah Cluster, three of them were close relatives of case 771 and one was a customer who had previously purchased kueh from case 771.

The committee added another two new positive cases, cases 792 and 796 were of two local men who always visited a longhouse in Sematan, Lundu, every weekend.

“Both cases 792 and 796 underwent Covid-19 screening at a public health center in Kuching on October 23, as they both had close contact with a case identified as positive for Covid-19 through rapid antigen test kits (RTK). His rT-PCR results came back positive on October 24. “

Meanwhile, the committee added that the police issued a total of 36 compounds statewide today, 22 in Miri district, 13 in Kuching and one in Betong.

The Ministry of Local Government and Housing has also today issued 90 written and oral warnings, as well as seizure notices, 24 at the Lubok Antu district council, Sibu municipal council (21), Marudi district council (15 ), the North Kuching City Commission (12), Bintulu Development Authority (9), Serian District Council (4), Maradong and Julau District Council (3) and Miri City Council (2) “.

Six barricades were installed in five districts, two in Lawas and one in Lundu, Bau, Serian and Serian, with 1,678 vehicles inspected today.

“Today, we also registered 274 new cases of people under surveillance who were registered to be quarantined in hotels. This brings the total number of people currently in quarantine at 23 hotels statewide to 2,079, “the committee said.
